"Daddy's Girl"

Chapter 1, Part 2
Raeanne McGinty crossed her arms over her chest and looked through the nursery window as Grayson Daniels reluctantly handed her niece to her mother. The man simply wouldn't get past his mule-headed ways. Why wouldn't he allow them some time with Eva? After all, Lizzy was her sister, which made Eva her niece. Made Eva her parents first grandchild, well living grandchild. Automatically, Rae's hands moved to her stomach, sighing she began to blink her eyes rapidly to hold back threatening tears. No one knew about it of course, no one except Lizzy, and now Lizzy had moved on without her.
Take care of my Evan, Lizzy, her mind called as she put a hand to the door knob.
Her mother had finally coaxed Grayson to allow her to hold Eva, and Janice McGinty cuddled her new granddaughter to her bosom as tears ran down her cheeks. Her lips moved as if in prayer over the darling little girl. Her father, usually so strong and the image of manliness now cowered over near the room where they'd last seen Elizabeth.
No matter what either of her parents said she knew that Lizzy was their favorite. Lizzy was the achiever, the homebody, the girly girl with all of the answers. Married right out of college to a handsome business man, Lizzy had been their star. With a voice like an angel, and a heart of pure gold their sweetheart girl had remained close to home and promised many grandchildren.
Where Raeanne had been the opposite of her star of a sister, with a combination of a stubborn and wild streak she'd never stuck close to home. In high school she'd joined every club to get herself out of the house. College she'd attended as far away as possible, and as soon as she'd set her foot outside her parents house she'd stopped following God. Dabbling in drugs and alchohol and more men than she cared to talk about, Rae was a much different girl. Thankfully, the sisters had seen past their differences and distances and stuck by each other through the tough times.
Memories flooded Rae's mind, she focused in on the scene when she'd viewed the positive pregnancy test in the second year of college.
Tears running down her face, Rae had reached for the phone and called Lizzy first thing. 'I'm in so much trouble, Liz, I don't know what to do. I don't even know who this baby's father is! I've got to do something.'
Liz hadn't berated her, nor had she gasped and immediately spoke. Sighing softly, Lizzy had said 'What are we gonna' do about it, Rae Rae?'
Within hours the two had a plan, Lizzy had sent money once a month to help with prenatal care, and housing. Raeanne had went to her prenatal visits every month, faithfully following the rules the doctor had provided. It wasn't enough though. She wasn't enough. She never was though, should have been used to it by then. Evan Michael McGinty was born three months before his due date, a still born.
A gut-wrenching sob threatened to tear out of her right there in the middle of the hall way, however at that moment her trip down memory lane was interrupted by Grayson.
"Wastin' space standing there." he muttered.
She could only nod her head in agreement, maybe she was a waste of space.
That's great Jo. When you going to add to it? I lost a baby boy at 32 weeks. Had to go through hours & hours of labor then burry our little guy. We named him the name we'd planned all along & now he's in heaven watching over our other two.
Lissa (AKA losttxn
Wow Lissa,
I should add to it today sometime. Although, I really should be getting to Alec & Korah again. heh. I'm really liking this story, and I'm glad that you like it. :)
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