"Route for the Home Team."

Chapter 8
Lidia rolled the wheel chair into Altan's home, complete with complaining patient.
"I do not need to be wheeled around like a baby." he muttered as he transfered himself from the chair to the couch.
"Sure you don't, Mister I-enjoy-jumping-from-airplanes-and-landing-hard." she taunted, poking him in the side, frowning as he winced. "Sorry!"
"Yeah, next time remember the ribs, please!" he exaggerated falling over and clasping his side with one large hand.
"I said sorry, shut up, Altan." she tossed a pillow at his head, ducking into the kitchen before he could throw it back at her. Grabbing the makings for a sandwich from the cooler she'd hauled over from her house, she made him a quick lunch of a sandwich and chips. Peace ascended over her at the thoughts of him being home, finally. After two weeks of him complaining in that hospital room, they'd gotten sick of him and thrown him out. Okay, so not exactly, but it was what she'd told him.
"Are you hurrying or am I starving?" he called from the other room.
"Starving!" she yelled, grinning as she filled a glass with lemonade. Quickly, so as her new patient wouldn't starve, she scurried back into the living room. "I'm here, I'm here, don't die!" Handing him the plate and glass, she took a seat beside him.
"Thank you." he whispered before taking a bite of the sandwich and smiling. "This is peanut butter and jelly."
"Well, what did you expect? Roast beef? A girl's only got so much on hand at a time." rolling her eyes, she chuckled letting herself feel the unexpected happiness that bubbled inside of her at his surprise.
"I didn't expect to revert to my childhood, but it's not so bad." he grinned now as he broke off half of his sandwich and handed it to her. "Got any cookies and milk for later?"
She nodded, "Sure do." The smile that stretched his face made her heart do a happy dance, what was this feeling and why for Altan? Would he still need her after he'd recuperated from his injuries? Could her heart handle letting him go again?
Altan watched as Lidia cleaned up his apartment for him, and he hadn't the heart to tell her the maid would be over tomorrow. Her smile as if she was enjoying herself caught him off guard, and he laid back on the couch. Just watching her made his heart do odd things, he really was falling fast and hard. Too sleepy to sit up any longer, he closed his eyes and waited for sleep to overtake him. However, it seemed his heart was too busy doing flip flops and his brain involuntarily reviewing all she'd done for him over the years and for the past month. Sighing, he opened his eyes, if he was going to see her anyway, might as well be in the present. "Lid?"
She stopped her progression through the house, and turned to him, "What?"
"Come here." he beckoned, sitting up and tapping the seat next to him with a hand.
Shrugging, she walked over and sat beside him, "What is it?"
With a smile, he caught a piece of her hair between his fingers and smoothed it behind her ear. "Once I get better, I'm going to take you on a date that you could only dream of." he said finally, letting his fingers graze her cheek.
"A date? You and me?" her eyes popped open wide as she stared at him in disbelief.
"Who else? We're the ones who've been flirting shamelessly for a month now. Also the ones who feel something for each other." he whispered, knowing he sounded to her like a complete idiot. Somehow he wished his heart wasn't beating so loud that she could most definitely hear it.
"Well..I guess you're right." she turned toward him, eyes full of questions as she found herself within inches of his face.
"I am right, Lid, believe me." with a wink, he leaned in a pressed his lips to hers. So much for staying unattached until he was sure.
Flustered now, she pulled away, "Okay, I can try." she whispered back, leaning against him for what he considered all too brief a moment.
"Try hard, because I like you, Lidia." he now felt all of sixteen again.
"I'm glad you do, Altan, I like you too." saying that, she rose from her seat beside him and went back to cleaning up.
After a few hours more of being together, she paused the movie they were watching, "I think I should go on home now. It's getting late." Standing, she grabbed her sweatshirt and pulled it over her.
"Alright, if that's how it has to be." grinning at her, he transferred himself back into the wheelchair and strolled along after her. "Thanks for being here, Lidi."
She turned toward him with a smile, "Anytime, and I'll be back tomorrow. Call me if you need anything." With a nod she was on her way.
Sighing, he watched after her as she walked to her house just next door. That girl had sure gotten a hold of his heart. But what was he going to do about that?
With a stunning realization, he found his answer. Nothing. He was going to do absolutely nothing about it.
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