"Route for the Home Team"

Chapter 4
The next morning, Lidia opened her file and lost herself in the lives of her characters again. With each passing minute, another thought about Altan bombarded her thinking process. Shrugging it off, she once more plunged with both feet into her writing and tried to lose herself. The coffee pot, which was set to a timer, came to life and she found herself leaving the document for another time. Surveying the refridgerator, she grabbed out a carton of eggs and began making herself an omlet. All while trying to press her neighbor out of her mind. Checking the clock on the microwave, she noted that it was now ten in the morning and if he hadn't waken up by now that was his own fault. Grabbing the phone, she dialed his house number which he'd left the night of the party.
After three rings, the answering machine kicked on and she left a quick message before returning the phone to it's cradle. Maybe he had an early morning flight, or some errands to run? Shrugging, she went back to making a quick breakfast before trying to return to the characters who tried to beckon her. Just as soon as she sat back down in her computer chair, the phone came to life. Grabbing it quickly, she propped it between her ear and shoulder. "Hello."
"Hey, how are you?" it was Charity's voice, instead of the one she'd hoped for.
"I'm writing, how are you?" she asked, typing in a few more words as her muse allowed her to work.
"Trying to get Ava to eat her green beans." this statement was punctuated by a shrill noise and the clatter of a plate to the floor.
"Sounds like you're having as much luck with her as I am with writing." grinned Lidia, typing a few more words then shaking her head at them.
"Well listen, I did want to give you a heads up, seems theres a big storm headed our way. Just letting you know ahead of time so you can be prepared to save your document quickly and turn off the computer. We know what happened last time." she could almost see Charity nodding as she recalled the situation.
"We had to have a chocolate drowning party to drown away my sorrows. I miss that manuscript."
"Exactly, now save it and get away from it. Come over if you want, I'm baking again."
Lidia smiled at her friends insistance, closing out of the document and hitting save when the button came to the screen. "I'll be over later, I want to go over and see Altan first."
"Awwww, okay. That's so cute though, Lidia. I'm so happy for you." Charity babbled as she whispered to Ava to eat the veggies.
"Thanks, Charity. I'll see you in a bit." With quick precise movements she turned off the computer and got ready for the day. Grabbing her writing notebook and some pens, she tossed them into her canvas bag. Slowly, she made her way out the door and walked the space between her and Altan's houses.
Knocking, she waited for Altan's smiling face to appear behind the door, but nothing happened. Sighing, she resolved that he must be out right now, and she walked to her car. Soon, she was at Charity and Cherlin's apartment, explaining that Altan was out. She tried to hold back the fact that it disappointed her to not be able to see him before she started her day.
Altan lay on his back in what must be three feet of mud, yet still through the stickiness of mud he could feel the rough rocks. Nothing worked out in his favor, the rain had only served to make him cold instead of refreshed. Now, shivering and aching to do so was his life. Staring up at the still grey sky, he searched for a way to move. Last night, during the torrential downpours that had fallen upon him, he'd tried to get up. What a mistake that had been! Both of his legs were broken, he was coming to terms with that now. The pain was terrible, starting at the tips of his toes and slowly making a ripple effect throughout his body. He only hoped there was nothing wrong with his spine, yet he hoped the pain he felt was a good thing.
Glancing to the side, he saw the plane in its disarray, part of it was missing as it'd slid down the mountain last night in the rain. Shrugging mentally was easier and so he did so, before thinking about Lidia again. What would she think? Would she realize he was missing? His heart near stop beating, no one would notice he was missing, aside from the freight guys who would miss their cargo soon. Virtually, he had no one that cared where he went or what he did, who would miss him if he died up here on this mountain? The grey clouds drifted in the sky and he wondered if Lidia would miss him.
"I won't let this happen again, if I get off this mountain." he vowed aloud to himself. "I'm going to find out what is going on between us, I'm going to set things straight. I need her to care." The words uttered aloud had him feeling less strained. Slowly, ever so slowly, the pain ebbed away as sleep overcame him. In the darkness of his mind, his body sighed in relief.
Earl Peabody checked his watch and the calendar again, it was three days after he'd demanded his shipment be at his loading docks. Grabbing the phone off it's hook, he jammed it up against his ear and dialed the numbers hurriedly. "HUDSON!" he barked into the phone as someone on the other line answered.
"Yes, Mr. Peabody?" asked Hudson, most assuredly jumping to butt-kissing mode at the angry tones of his employers voice.
"Where is my freight, man? You promised it three days ago!"
The man on the receiving end of his temper seemed flustered, he could hear papers shifting on the other end. Nervous humming, and the phone being passed between his hands, "I thought it had reached you, sir."
"Well obviously it hasn't if I'm calling, who did you send on the run?" he demanded.
"Altan, sir." came the clipped reply.
"Altan?" he felt the confusion the name brought. Usually, Altan would have the freight in just after he called in the order. Something was wrong. "Well, I think we have a missing persons case on our hands. Altan never showed."
"He never showed?" the confusion of the other man was apparent as well.
"Something is definitely wrong with him, Hudson, get the police on the phone."
"Yes sir, right away!" came the next reply just before the dial tone rang in his ear.
WEEEE!!!! yay ;) the addition was great :) ha, and to think i do schoolwork at school. well at least my english teacher will be proud. oh well ;)
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