Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"Take Me Out...Period"

Chapter 8

Bethanie stood outside glancing at the note in her hands, it'd been attached to a dozen roses. Sighing, she realized she'd seen part of the romantic side of T.C. only to push him away. His truck pulled into the parking lot of her daycare. "Make it snappy Cowboy, I've got to get back in there." she called as he climbed out of his truck.

"Actually, you don't. I've called your staff, their going to take over for an afternoon." he smiled and her world seemed to tilt on it's axis.

"Okay, if you insist." sighing once more she let him open the door to his truck for her, and guide her inside. "So where are we off to?"

"You'll see." his smile widened, as he winked and closed her door.

The ride to the surprise location was a quiet one, she knew they were both thinking about what had gone wrong between them and just what could make it right. Finally, the truck stopped right in front of a small pond, he smiled and climbed out of the truck. Shrugging, she went along with it and got out of the truck.

Slowly, he led her to a picnic table beside the pond, "Bethanie, we need to talk. I've made some changes in my life, and you need to know about them. I'm unsure that they have anything to do with what we have between us, but you still need to know." He took her hand in his, and pressed a kiss to the top of it. "I've given God control of my life again, I no longer doubt Him. I never doubted that He existed, simply that He would give me what He'd said He would."

She felt a smile tug at her lips, "That's great, T.C."

He nodded, "I feel much better about life right now, and I wanted to make things right with you. What we had wasn't much, but I'd like to make it more."

All of a sudden her throat felt like it was closing, there wasn't enough oxygen outside, she was gasping for breath.

"Bethanie?" he questioned putting an arm around her, eyes full of concern.

"No, no, I'll be fine." she whispered hoarsely.

"Okay..so what do you say to this?" he asked.

She did her best to smile without letting tears fall, "I'd say yes. Let's see where it takes us. I know now that things will work out for the best."

He smiled, "Everything will work out, Bethanie, I promise."


T.C. walked back to his truck and retrieved the fishing poles, he'd heard from a pretty reliable source that the country girl liked fishing. With a smile he extended her pole toward her.

"Thanks." she smiled back.

"Anytime, Bethie." winking, he sat on the chair beside her's and bated his line. "So, any questions for me?"

"Yes! I've been dying to ask a question since I first heard about you." her eyes were wide, face serious.

Nervous now, he fidgeted with the pole, "Oh? What's that?"

"Your name..T.C, what does it stand for?"

He chuckled, "Is that it?"

"Is that it? It's a very important question! If we're going to be doing more things together, then I should know your name!" her blue eyes were twinkling with laughter.

"Tucker Callum." he supplied finally, waiting for her reaction.

"Oh it's a good name, why do you hide behind initials?" she leaned in closer to him, eyes sparkling and a smile on her face.

Just in the right position for...he grinned back at her before pressing his lips against her's. "Just because my mama always called me T.C." he answered finally.

Face flushed, she sat back in her chair, "Oh."

He grinned again, "What's your middle name?"

"Dawn." she supplied.

"Oh that's pretty, Bethanie Dawn. I like it."

"Oh yeah, Tucker Callum?"

"Don't make me kiss you again!" he winked.

"Is that a threat?"

He leaned closer he whispered against her lips, "Most definitely."


Jazzelle pressed the binoculars into Lidia's hand and smiled at Lidia and Charity, "See told you."

"Indeed you did, my friend, indeed you did." Lidia shook her head as she pressed the binoculars against her eyes.

"I cannot believe that you've set her up with a cowboy. Their children will be like, cowpeople!" exclaimed Charity with a laugh.

"Shhhh! It doesn't matter as long as their happy, and look at them! Their happy." said Jazzi with a mischievous smile.

"Right, well, first child that says 'howdy auntie Charity.' I'm blaming you!"

"Shut up, Chari." exclaimed Lidia, trying to monitor the couple's progress.

Jazzi smiled and turned toward the other side of the park. Come next week, Andre would be meeting the love of his life. Whether he liked it or not. "So what do you all think about Andre's upcoming romance?" she asked, handing them the folder with information on the woman she had in mind.

"Oh my, Jazzi, she looks just about perfect." said Lidia handing the binoculars to Charity.

"He'll love her." added Charity as she looked out at the couple too.

"I sure hope so..."


Blogger Lydia said...

hmm.. bethanie's story is kool. the whole series rocks and i jus love Lidia. I love Lidia more then i ever will Altan. haha.

3:59 PM  

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