"1,2,3 Strikes You're Out"

Chapter 8
The party had come to life when Alex and Charity walked through the doors, Charity's mouth dropped open when she viewed all of her friends and family gathered in the hall. Then in the same bubbly manner that was uniquely her's, she showed off her ring. Keely smiled at Blaze, his arm was wrapped around her waist. For once in her life she felt part of someone else, something else. Her heart could get no fuller. Charity worked her way toward them and hugged each of them, thanking them for coming.
After the entourage had passed them, Blaze turned her toward a table where they sat before someone else could intercept them.
"This is fun." she smiled at him from across the table.
"Yeah, it is." he agreed, reaching for her hand. "What do you say we try something like they are sometime?"
His casual question caused her to nearly choke on the sip of water she'd taken. "What?"
"You know, a ring, a wedding, love, the whole deal..." his voice trailed off, yet a hint of his smile showed on his face.
Brain racing, Keely stared at the man across the table from her. Was he serious? The glint in his eye and smile affixed to his face, as if permanently, told her her answer. "Are you asking what I think you're asking?" she hissed, leaning in closer.
Smile widening, he bridged the gap between them with a kiss, "I am asking exactly what you think I'm asking."
His hand still in her's, he tugged her to her feet and guided her back out to the gazebo away from the crowd. She could feel her heart thudding against her rib cage, and goose flesh rose on her arms. Was he that in love with her? Was this finally the time he'd settle down and not leave her..forever? Forever was a very long time.
"I wanted to wait a while longer to do this, but seeing your eyes light up in there..." reaching into his pocket, Blaze pulled out a red velvet covered box. With one hand, he flipped it open and presented it to her.
Tears began to stream down her face, he really wanted to be with her forever. Heart now bursting with the love he'd presented practically at her feet, she surged to those feet and hugged him tight. "I love it." she whispered.
"Just it?" his eyes twinkled merrily as he teased her.
"I love you, Blaze, more than anything."
"I love you too, Keely."
The words only served to make her insides quiver with delight as he slipped the ring onto her finger.
Blaze didn't think his smile could get any wider, he'd dropped Keely off at home and started toward his house. Yet, still the smile remained. His face hurt from smiling, literally. She'd said yes and accepted the ring. He could dance. Man, could life get any sweeter?
Pulling up in front of his house, he turned off the truck and climbed out of it. Sighing happily, he slid the key into the lock and opened the door. The dim lights of his home comforted him, and he wasted no time in getting comfortable on the couch.
The lights flickered on, nearly blinding him, "Thought you'd never get home, sweetie." came a soft voice from the doorway of his kitchen.
"Who are you?" he asked, sitting straight up.
"Oh silly, you know who I am." the woman came out of the shadow and sat in his lap, bringing with her the scent of lavendar perfume.
Giggles of recognition filled the room as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, "So happy you remembered."
"How could I forget.." his voice trailed off, then his mind flashed a picture of Keely the last time he'd disappointed her. "Emma, I can't..."
"Can't what?"
The door creaked open revealing two wide-eyed women, Jazzelle unconciously slid an arm around Keely. "Come on, let's get out of here." she hissed, tugging Keely along with her.
Blaze stood, letting Emma fall where she may, and ran toward the door. "Keely, Jazzi, come back, I can explain." he called.
Keely turned on her heel, tugging the ring from her finger and tossing it at his chest, eyes blue fire. "Nothing to explain, three strikes you're out, Blaze. I've had it. Goodbye."
"Please, Keely, no." he whispered, grabbing for her hand.
She ripped her hand away from his and began stomping toward the car once more.
"Jazzi, talk to her?" pleading with her friend to go on his behalf, he couldn't lose her, he couldn't. Not again, and certainly not for good.
"I doubt anything I can say would help. Bye Blaze."
He watched as the car sped toward it's target, Keely's home. Where she'd most likely hide away, drowning her sorrows in bowls of ice cream and tissues. His heart nearly broke as he cradled her ring in his hands. He had to get her back, there was no such thing as an out in the game of love. Was there?
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