Friday, June 02, 2006

"If They Don't Win It's A Shame" chap 5

Chapter 5

Andre loosened his grip on Aria's shoulders and reached his hand toward her's. As if considering her options, Aria slowly set her hand in his before quickly searching over her shoulder. Whomever had been in that restaraunt had nearly stolen his first date with this woman, and boy was he glad he'd caught her. Gently, he guided her back toward his car, "Let's just go some where else." he supplied, hoping she was hungry enough to say yes.

"Actually, I think it'd be better if you just took me back to the hospital to get my car so I can get home. I don't feel very hungry right about now. If you'd like you can follow me home and I'll make you a sandwich." she pinned him with sorrowful green eyes and he couldn't resist.

"Sounds good." he muttered, hoping she bought it. A sandwich really didn't sound as good as what he'd had picked out on the menu, but the time spent with Aria sounded nice.

Closing her door, he walked back around to his side and climbed in. In silence he drove back toward the hospital. Aria's eyes never stayed in one place far as he could tell, always looking over her shoulder, out the window, and around the perimeter. Something wasn't right with this woman. The man in that restaraunt had done something to her in her lifetime, and he wondered exactly what that was.

"You can just park here, I'll be right back." said Aria as he rounded the corner near the parking garage.

"Are you sure? I'd be glad to walk you into the parking garage." he watched as Aria shook her head.

"No, no, I'll be fine. Just wait right here, be out in a minute." she gave him a small smile before climbing out of the car, and walking toward the parking garage.

Soon enough, she was driving back out waving him to follow her, and so he did. Down back streets and alleys he followed her to a small house that nearly resembled a log cabin. He smiled at the warmth it seemed to give off, it fit Aria perfectly. She parked her car out front and he parked behind her. Still ever the gentleman, he raced to open her door for her.

"Thank you." she smiled, her entire face softened when she smiled he noted.

"My pleasure." he answered following her into her home.


Aria watched Andre take in the details of her home as she walked beside him. Somehow she didn't see him living in a small country type home as she had her entire life, but did that matter? She really needed to look forward not backward and Andre was the person to do that with. He kept her on her toes alright. With that smile and the sense of humor he had, she'd smiled more tonight that she had in months.

"Who's this?" Brayden sat at the table beside their father feeding him the dinner she'd left for them.

"Dad, Brayden this is Andre Harris. My friend that I was telling you about."she tried her best to smile as they all sized each other up.

"Nice to meet you." said Andre, extending a hand to Brayden and then her father.

Both nodded accordingly.

"I'm going to make some sandwiches, anyone want one?" she turned around from the refridgerator to see Andre take a seat on the other side of her father and her breath caught for a minute. The sight of the man of her dreams in one seat, her father in another, her brother beside him had a feeling of coming home for Aria. All that was, she wouldn't let her mind wander back to Isaac. Nor to Jerry. She was moving on.

"I'll take one." said Brayden, smiling at Andre who'd raised his hand when she'd asked.

Nodding at Brayden and then Andre, she grabbed the supplies from the refridgerator and began to make sandwiches. Whistling as she moved around the kitchen, she finally placed the finished products on plates and offered them to Andre and to her brother.

They sat together in the silence as they ate, when finally Brayden finished and offered to take her father to bed.

She smiled at him, "Thank you Bray. Good night Daddy." she stood and kissed her father on the cheek before returning to her seat.

"Good night Mr. McKenzie." offered Andre.

Her father mumbled his best good night as Brayden wheeled him away from them.

"So, tell me..who was that man at the restaraunt?" asked Andre, she'd known it was coming but still the question stole her breath.

"Jerry Reynolds." she answered, hoping it would keep the questions at bay.

"Yes, but what about him made you run, Aria?" his eyes bore into her's and she could hardly keep herself upright.

"I can't tell you Andre, you'd take off too. It's too much. My former life is not pretty, Andre. Not nearly as pretty as it is now."

"I want to hear about it, all of it, but if you aren't ready to tell then you don't have to. You tell me in your time." he smiled and patted her hand.

"Thank you." she seriously doubted she'd ever tell Andre the truth about Jerry Reynolds and about Isaac. Instead, they began a conversation about what they liked to do in their off time. Apparently he liked music, and she was a dancer. That she told him. They talked the night away, until finally Andre glanced at his watch and announced it time for him to leave. Her heart constricted at the words, yet she nodded. "Thanks for coming over."

He smiled, "Anytime. We'll do something again, soon."

She nodded and agreed, "Soon."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, Jo
This is going to be another tearjerker, isn't it?
I feel for Aria, since it is evident she lost a baby (Isaac?), and has been working off her sadness in the NICU.
Hope Andre is understanding.
Thanks for writing.

7:51 PM  

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