Sunday, August 06, 2006

"The Ole' Ball Game" chap 9

Chapter 9

Lidia poked Altan in the ribs, "Faster, I need to know if their alright."

"I'm trying, I'm trying." he muttered as he shoved his body weight into the front door of Daemyn's apartment for the fifth time.

"Never send a man to do a woman's job." she groaned finally, shoving him out of the way and forcing her shoulder into the door causing it to fly open and thwack the wall. She could hear Altan snorting in derision behind her, yet she pressed on ahead of him through the reckage that now was Daemyn's home. Trees littered the front room, a large piece of his roof had stabbed through his couch, or what was left of it. Lidia closed her eyes and pressed onward, hoping beyond hope that the two had gotten out of here or were at least in the safest room of the house. Still, her hope was dying slowly as she heard no movement or life in the house.

Altan, as if sensing her dismay kept close to her back, pressing through the house with her, investigating each room. "What's this?" he asked, when they reached the kitchen. A door stood the only thing untouched in the room, yet garbage and most of his kitchen furniture and possibly the neighbors stood in front of the door.

"Looks like a door, Sherlock, start digging." she commanded, being the first to grip a chair and pull it out of the way.

"Lovely, your friend gets herself trapped in a house of horrors during a hurricane, and I have to go digging." he grumbled under his breath, tugging at the kitchen table which had somehow lodged itself between the cabinets and the door knob.

"Shut up, she set us up remember? I, unlike you, have the common courtesy to check on my friends after a storm." she huffed gripping the garbage can and yanking it away from the door.

Soon enough, all of the debris had been cleared and Altan pulled the door open. Slowly, the two descended the stairs. Her heart lept at the sight of Jazzelle laying in Daemyn's arms, both seemed to be sleeping. It seemed she couldn't help but keep looking at her friend, after every possible situation had run through her mind, most bad. It was great to see them both alive. But, of course, the compromising situation she found her friend in was a great way to relieve some of this anxiousness that'd built up inside of her. "Well aren't you two cozy?" she asked in a voice that could raise the dead, at least that's what her mother had always said.

"Lidia? How did you get in here?" asked Daemyn sleepily rubbing his eyes, and helping Jazzelle up.

"Oh I have my ways." she taunted, rubbing her now sore shoulder.

"Is the storm over?" asked Jazzi, her ear inclined toward the window.

"Sure is, and boy should the two of you be glad you made it down here." put in Altan.

"Why?" they asked in unison, both sets of eyes peering at the stairs leading upward.

"You probably don't want to see it up there, Daemyn, but I sure hope you have insurance." Lidia shook her head and hugged Jazzelle, "Nice to know you're alive."

"Alive? But...What's going on?" her friend muttered, looking rather confused.

She could only continue to shake her head, "The storm has been over for almost an entire day, we still hadn't heard from you. Everyone is worried sick, Bethany is nearly on her way home. Which reminds me, we have to get you guys out of here." she led the way up the stairs, through the wreckage and toward Altan's car. There were some days where she'd just love to believe that all things worked together for the good, but other days she was worried out of her skin that they wouldn't.

Thank God, today they had.


Jazzelle stared out the window of Altan's car, the city was a mess. Her hand still clasped Daemyn's in a death grip. They could have easily died in the past three days, seeing his apartment the way it was made her heart sit in a cozy spot in her throat. Her eyes made their way to Lidia, who still sat in the front seat shaking her head. Thank God for her friends and family, if Lidia hadn't come would they have left the cellar?

Soon enough, she had no more time to think as they drove up in front of her house and were greeted by the mass that was her friends and family. She'd received so many hugs she thought she might burst with the next. However, when she looked up, she came face to face with Daemyn who smiled at her. Her heart gave another leap, and she automatically reached for him. Something about him compelled her toward him like no other man she'd ever met. "Thank you for everything." she whispered.

He smiled, "Pleasure was all mine, I'd love to have a few more days with you."

Slipping closer she let him hold her in his arms, "I'd like the rest of my life with you." she whispered back, hoping it wasn't too soon to say something that important. Yet, she'd felt that way since the moment she'd laid eyes on him.

Daemyn's eyes were round, yet his smile spread, "Sounds good to me, so when's the wedding?"

"Wedding?" Lidia piped up from beside her.

Jazzi groaned, great another source of entertainment for them all.

"I don't know when their's will be, but ours will be next year at this time." shouted Andre from across the yard.

"Next year?" they asked in unison turning toward Andre and Aria.

Both grinned widely and nodded.

Jazzi wrapped her arms around Daemyn's waist, "Two years?" she whispered hoping no one but Daemyn would hear this time.

He nodded, "Sounds good to me."


Charity passed the popcorn to Keely, "So you skipped right past the whole dating thing and you're going straight for marriage?"

Jazzelle sighed her sister had a way of going right to the heart of the matter, with no reguard for who was listening. "I guess so."

"Well, you'd better not rush right into this..what if he isn't 'the one'?" asked Keely, her blue eyes sincere as she lay a hand across her slightly rounded stomach.

"He is." she answered abruptly, fidgeting with the wrinkle in the slipcover of the chair.

"How can you be so sure?" questioned Lidia from her perch on the arm of Charity's chair.

"Because I am. Okay?" she was getting annoyed, why were they on her case all of a sudden?

"Okay! Geesh!" the three answered in unison.

"Can we talk about someone else now? Like maybe you, Charity, what about the little one you've been talking about? Alex told Daemyn something about adopting?" she cornered her sister with the question, hoping it'd stop her blood from it's near boil.

Charity nodded excitedly, "We're adopting a little boy, his name is Andrew. He's only six months old, his parents have decided they can't provide for a little one. We've been thinking about it for a while, and somehow God just dropped this little one into our laps." she smiled dreamily, and for the first time since her sister's wedding day, Jazzi seriously saw the woman her sister had become. A beautiful wife and mother, and an incredible human being.

She wiped her eyes and rose from her seat to hug her sister, "That's great." she whispered though her voice had gone from the emotion lodged in her throat.

Everyone was smiling along with her, hugging and Jazzelle remembered again what had brought her to this point. Love. That's what would keep her going, and now that it had invaded her life, things would never be the same. She looked around the room and took in all of her friends faces, some things were better than the old ball game after all.


Blogger Lydia said...

heh was cute. I was expecting altan and Lidia to be a little more altan and lidia and less mega lidia... she was a bit rude and i dont really act like that... yes i do but i dont like to do it to guys i like.. mostly to family who cant unrelate them selves to me. hah idk what im sayin... all in all its good. sad to be ending tho.

12:17 AM  

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