"Daddy's Girl."

Chapter 4, Part 1
Grayson set Eva's carrier on the ground in the living room and walked up the stairs calling out for Rae, hoping she hadn't left yet. "Raeanne? Raeanne? Are you here?" With precision he checked every bedroom from top to bottom until coming to the slightly open door of her bedroom. He found her there, thrashing wildly around the bed making sobbing noises. Slowly he knelt before the bed touching her shoulder, "Rae, Rae, it's okay. It's me, Grayson." he called out in a soft voice hoping not to startle her.
Her green eyes flew open, the thrashing ceased, sweat beaded her brow, and tears swept down her cheeks like twin rivers. "What's going on?" she asked, swiping the tears from her face.
"I don't know, Rae, I think you were having a nightmare." he pulled his hand away and stood hoping to rid himself of the discomfort that now sat in his chest.
Her head bobbed up and down as she acknowledged that fact, "What time is it?" she asked, pulling her knees up to her chin as she rocked back and forth slightly a tear slid down her cheek unchecked.
Glancing at his watch he provided, "Nearly eleven now."
Her face contorted into a frown, "I wanted to be on the road by eight."
"Well, maybe you should just stay." he said, as if cued to the right moment, Eva began to cry. He felt his heart give a tug at her whimpers, and he turned on his heel and took the steps two at a time to come before his tiny blessing. "Oh, what's wrong with daddy's girl?" he cooed, lifting her from the carrier and rocking her in his arms.
Slower footfalls sounded on the steps and Raeanne came to stand behind him, "See that's where you're wrong, she's Aunty Rae's girl, and I know exactly what she needs." Stooping down, Raeanne lifted a bottle from the diaper bag and slipped past him to the kitchen to warm it up. The sound of her humming soon reached his ears and he had to ignore the homey feeling that began to wash over him.
Before too long she was back, easing the baby from his arms and taking a seat in the rocking chair to feed her niece. A slight sigh resounded in the room from Eva's little rosebud shaped lips, and he found himself smiling again. What was it about his baby that would bring a smile no matter the situation? "You were right." he conceded after watching her for a few more minutes.
"I know," she cooed, "what a hungry girl she was!"
"No, not about that," he said as the silence in the room grew, "I should have been thanking you for all you've done for us, but I've been selfish. Thank you, Raeanne, for being here."
Sheesh, was this comment a spam or what?
Needless to say, Jo, I really like this story! Hope to be able to read more of it if you have time to update.
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