Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Chapter 6
Charity leaned against the side of the stadium chewing off the rest of her fingernails. "Where are they?" she fumed silently clutching the six tickets to the game in her left hand. As if to answer her question, her cell phone rang to life in the pocket of her jeans. "Charity Douglas."she answered not bothering to look at the caller id, or the time as she knew she was missing the first pitch.
"Hey Chari, it's Lidi, I'm not going to be able to make it. Sorry, hun."
With that said, the click of the other line echoed in her ear. No sooner had she turned off the phone than Bethany was calling, offering an apology but giggling when asked what she was going to be doing. Apparently the rodeo had come to town, and Beth had found herself a cute cowboy. Rolling her eyes, she hung up on her friend and tucked two of the six tickets into her pocket.
Checking her watch again, she noted three more calls in five minutes. None of her friends were coming to watch the game with her. They were all busy, and apparently too busy to think of calling prior to game time. Groaning, she walked into the stadium, and sat in the empty row of chairs that was theirs.
Unable to keep herself from checking, she noted that Alex Harper was in his seat. Alone. She watched the game, but still couldn't help herself being bored all alone. Finally, she got up and marched down the stairs, "Hey Alex, none of my friends showed up today...you think you'd want to sit with me?" she asked.
He looked up at her, mocha skin blanching, "Um...sure."
Together they ascended the stairs, and she took her usual seat again. "Where are the kids today?"
He sat beside her in the seat her sister usually occupied, "Julie is watching them, and then I'm going back to get them. Take them to the park, possibly." he smiled as he talked about them, and settled into the seat.
"That's great, Julie loves having them. She's always talking about them when she comes in to have her hair done." she returned his smile as she lifted her cup of soft drink from the cup holder.
"Really? They love Julie, but lately they've been asking more about you." he said, fixating his eyes on her.
The heat of a blush crept up into her cheeks, and she choked on the drink she'd taken. "Excuse me?" she asked, eyes so wide she thought they might pop out of her head.
"They seem to have taken an immediate liking to you, Charity. Would you, uh..like to come visit sometime?" his words were awkward, as if he never had invited someone over before. Somehow she felt touched by the thought of it.
"I'd love to, their both pretty special kids."
"I know..." his voice trailed off just as A-rod hit a homerun.
"OH YEAH! GO A-ROD!" she screamed, jumping to her feet.
Alex sat still, clutching his ear, "Could you warn me next time when you're about to do that?"
She bit her lip, "Sorry, a bit of an infatuation with the third baseman."
He chuckled, "I used to play third base, you know."
"Really?" intrigued she sat again, staring at him.
He nodded, "I was in the minors, was drafted into the majors, would've been playin' for the Yankees too. Only, I decided the army was a better profession. I needed to do something respectable. So I dropped baseball, and enlisted. When I got back, I'd been injured and couldn't play anymore. Lost my chance."
She heard the pain in his voice, and gripped his hand, "Wow, that's awful."
His eyes widened as he took in the sight of their hands clasped.
Charity tugged her hand back as if she'd been burned, "Sorry."
"No, no..it's not a problem.." his voice trailed off, and she felt really stupid. Where were her friends anyway?
Alex walked down the street toward his house, glad for the exercise. He'd had so much fun with Charity Douglas at the game, and he couldn't get the tiny brunette out of his mind. Taking a deep breath of the air around him, he hauled himself up the few steps into the apartment building. Arriving at his front door after the short elevator ride, he opened the door. "I'm home!" he called.
Ava was first through the door as always, and hugging his knees with both of her tiny arms. Smiling, he reached down and grabbed her waist, twisting her tiny body so she was upside down and giggling at his antics. Cole came next through the doorway, a small smile on his little face.
"Welcome home!" came Julie's greeting, as she hobbled in behind the two.
Alex set Ava down on her feet beside her brother, and he ran a hand through Cole's tight curls, "Hey Champ."
Cole nodded, and signed something to Ava. Julie caught his attention above the children's heads.
"This came in the mail for you." she placed a large manilla envelope in his hands, it was official looking, and she seemed worried by it. Twisting both hands together she stood before him, biting her lip.
"It's just a letter, Julie, nothing to worry over." he said smiling at the older woman.
"I don't know, Alex, I don't have a good feeling about this." with a shrug, Julie beckoned the children and left to get them ready for the park.
He chuckled, in many ways Julie reminded him of his deceased mother. Always worrying over the children and every little detail in between. He sat on the leather sofa, and tugged at the flap of the envelope. Into his lap fell a handful of papers, all quite official looking. The top letter read "Petition for Custody." His heart fell to his toes, and he stood immediately enraged.
Gloria was following through with her threats. Listing here that she missed her children, and thought her children needed a mother and a father. Not their uncle. He clenched his fists and tossed the papers across the room at the wall watching them cascade through the air and fly to the ground. Anger, rich and painful flooded his body, and he resisted the urge to put his fist through the wall.
"Julie!" he called, crossing his arms over his chest.
She poked her grey head out of Cole's bedroom, "Yes, Alex?"
"I'm going to need the name of a good lawyer."
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