"Route for the Home Team"

Chapter 9
Sleep evaded her the next week, why she couldn't sleep she'd never know. Staring at the ceiling, she moved further under the sheets, until the sudden ringing of the phone had her squirming to get out. Grasping the phone in on hand, she shoved it up against her ear, "Hello?" she asked breathlessly.
"Lidia? It's Altan. I couldn't sleep. I wondered if you could?" his voice held a hint of a suggestion.
"You called to wake me up to ask if I wasn't asleep?" she raised one eyebrow and smile slyly.
"Well...yes, I suppose so." came his answer.
"Lucky for you I'm awake, or I'd be wringing your neck right about now." she laughed as she spoke, belying her upset state.
"I wondered if you couldn't sleep, if you'd like to come over for that first date I promised. We'll certainly go out somewhere some other time, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve..." he let his voice trail and she felt awkward.
"Wow, well, okay." she whispered, coughing to get her voice back.
"Not exactly the most enthusiastic reaction to a date request I've gotten before, but it'll work." he added before hanging up the phone.
Smiling now, she hung up the phone and went to find something to wear. He wanted her over for a date, that apparently he'd prepared inside his home. What guy did that? Her mind quickly supplied, only the ones in your books. Sighing, she grasped a nice outfit from her closet and tried it on. Taking a look in the mirror, she decided it was good enough. Any guy who didn't have the decency to call before 3 am to ask for a date didn't deserve more.
Walking out the door, she locked it behind her and shoved her keys into her pocket. It seemed their houses which were close had now gained distance. It was sick really, she was sick. Why did she like him so much? Her heart thumped his praises and she couldn't help listening to it, knocking on the door she took a deep breath and anticipated him.
He sat in his wheel chair inside the door with a smile pastered to his face. "Come on in." he said, opening the door wide to her.
"Thanks," she replied stepping inside.
Once inside, she followed him through the kitchen and into the living room. Her first reaction was to gasp in awe of the room. Altan had prepared an incredible feast, which sat on a small table in the middle of the room.
"For you." he whispered at her side, extending a single red rose toward her.
"How did you..?" her heart gave an excited thump, as her mind worked overtime to figure it out.
"Called in a few favors." was his smug reply.
His hand cupped hers and he led her to the table where a pillow sat on either side of table, where candles were their only light. Lowering herself to the pillow, she watched as he manuevered to do the same keeping his legs clear of the table.
"So we finally get our date." she sighed happily before testing the food before her.
"Yes, finally." he winked at her as if he was in on a private joke.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked finally, annoyed that he wouldn't stop grinning at her.
"You're beautiful, even at three in the morning."
She felt her face heat, "Thank you."
Altan watched Lidia turn as red as the strawberry shortcake before her, he couldn't help but smile again. With one hand he reached across the table to grasp her hand, while the other traveled to her returning smile as if drawn there by itself. Slowly, he traced the lines of her smile with his finger tip while she watched him with growing brown eyes. "Your cute when you're flustered too." he whispered.
"Thanks." came her return whisper as she stared into his eyes.
He swallowed hard at the look in her eyes, he'd been right. She had fallen for him as badly as he'd fallen for her. "Lidia?" he questioned, pulling his hand away for a brief moment before placing it in his pocket.
"Altan?" her voice was soft as if she knew he'd peaked in at the emotions that dwelt deep inside of her.
"Do you mind coming over here?" his voice now seemed all to loud for the quiet setting around them.
Within seconds she was at his side, "This better?" she asked in a whisper.
Nodding slowly, he ducked his head to press his lips to hers getting lost in the very presence of who she was. Her scent surrounded him, and her soft dark hair flowed over his hands. Sighing in happiness, he deepend the kiss and pulled her close to him. He never wanted to let go, he realized that now. With that shocking realization, he broke the kiss. "Lidia, I don't want this to end." he pressed, reaching for her hand.
Her eyes were wide, "You broke that kiss to say that?" Her teasing smile returned as well as the glint of mischief in her eyes.
With a smile of his own he pulled her into his arms gently as to keep her away from his legs, slowly he rocked back and forth. Smile growing by the minute he began to sing, "I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of?"
Laughter greated his singing as she knew as well as he did he was terrible, however he hoped she got the picture. "Are you serious?" she grinned throwing her head back to stare up into his eyes.
He nodded his head again, "I'm quite serious. I love you, Lidia."
Eyes brightening, she covered the distance between them to bring her lips to his again. "I love you too, Altan."
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