Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"The Ole' Ball Game" chap 10

Chapter 10

Eight months later....

"Push Keely," Jazzi urged gently, counting under her breath as her friend's contraction came to an ending and another began.

"I'm trying." her normally mild friend grated out, clinging to Lidia's hand as she came closer to the birth of her baby.

"Aye Dios! She's killing my hand." grumbled Lidia, looking across the bed, eyes pleading with Jazzi to switch places with her.

"Would you rather deliver the baby?" she questioned from where she sat, guiding her friend through the next contraction.

"No, I suppose not, on with the killing." sighed Lidia, concentrating on helping Keely with her breathing exercises.

"I don't know if I want to do this in a few months..." whined Bethanie from her seat in the room, as she lay a hand over her rounded middle.

"Of course you do!" exclaimed Charity with a smile, "You got yourself into that predicament, didn't you."

"Yes..but not intentionally.." Bethanie muttered, rubbing her stomach.

"Okay, everybody hush, we're about to have a baby!" announced Jazzelle.

Silence fell over the room, to be pierced only seconds later by the infant's cries. Jazzi couldn't help but smile at the little one through her tears. "Welcome to the world little girl." With a heart overflowing, Jazzelle handed her friend the little one that would change her life.

Keely's eyes filled with tears as she beheld her tiny miracle baby, and hugged her close to her chest. "Welcome to the world Chailyn Grace." she whispered, her smile and tears telling the story.

Jazzelle sat beside Daemyn on the couch, laying her head in his lap as they watched the home video from Charity's wedding. After the entire thing had run itself through, she looked up at him, a smile stretching her lips. "Nothing compares to seeing that tiny baby." she whispered, still amazed at the miracle of life.

He smiled along with her, "You're still in love with that little one, aren't you?"

Shrugging, she sat up and snuggled herself closer to him, "Always amazed with little ones, especially ones I get to deliver. Ones I'll get to help raise. I so admire Keely for everything she's done, and has gone through. I'm so overjoyed to be Chailyn's godmother." Keely had decided to move in with Jazzelle after everything that had happened. It seemed the best decision, for now however Keely and Chailyn would spend a few nights in the hospital recuperating.

"I know you're loving that they'll be living here." he ran his hand up and down her cheek softly, eyes pinning her with his sincerity.

"Of course! You know me. I love children, and Keely is one of my best friends. Things will be great." she could feel the air crackle with excitement as his lips moved in closer to her's. He was going to kiss her. Her eyes closed in anticipation of his kiss, just as his lips settled over her's.

"I have something for you.." he whispered as his lips broke from her's.

"Oh really? I love surprises." she grinned and bounced excitedly on the couch, feeling very much like a little kid at Christmas.

"Come on, we've got to go find it." he tugged her to her feet, and helped her out the door and into his car.

"Find it? I thought you HAVE something for me, not something we'd have to find." grunting, Jazzi watched his smile transform his face, darn him. He always made her lose her composure! Her own smile shone through as they drove toward the unknown surprise. What would it be? Her heart thudded with excitement. Something about all of this gave her goosebumps. What was going on?

Lidia tugged the curtains back into place and sighed, "Where are they?"

"Will you calm down?" asked Altan, securing his hands around her waist and turning her toward him. "They'll get here when they get here."

"I'm trying..but's like Ludia's taken over my body. What is wrong with me?" she smiled at him.

He laughed out loud, "Maybe she has, maybe that's why I love you so much right now."

With a gasp, she stepped back out of his arms, "Excuse me? You love me so much because Ludia's taken over my body? Well tell Ludia to kiss those lips of your's then." feigning hurt she pushed him away when he tried again to take her into his arms.

"You know I was joking, Lidia. You're the only one for me. Ludia could fall out of a plane for all I care!" he grinned and winked, making her stomach fill with butterflies.

"Nothing you've said all week has turned me on more than that sentence." she answered, walking into his arms willingly and settling her head against his chest. He was everything that was right and wrong in the world. The perfect combination of making her crazy beyond belief, and fall head over heels.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway stole her out of her stupor born of love, sighing, she tugged herself away. "That's them." she hissed, peeling back the curtain slowly.

"Who cares?" he whispered back, tugging her back into his arms.

"I should..." Lidia tapped her chin, wishing for all the world she could lose herself in his embrace and forget everything that told her not to give her entire soul and being to this man.

Footsteps crunched in the snow and she knew exactly where they were headed. To the small backyard she had, where Daemyn had been earlier setting up his surprise. True to her word, she hadn't peeked once, not that the suspense wasn't KILLING her. But, she'd promised.

"You want to watch, don't you?" asked Altan, tugging her hand as he walked toward the back door.

She nodded slowly, "That and a few other things..."

He laughed again and winked, "Later, much later. Come on..look he's got her eyes covered."

Before her, the scene played out. There stood Daemyn and Jazzi, he held both hands over her eyes as he stared out at the snow covered ground. In one corner of the yard a snowman stood, wearing an assortment of old winter clothes. A smiling face, and stick arms welcomed his guests, the carrot nose seemed a bit sparce, as Lidia was sure some creature had gotten to it. Atop the pure, white snow were the stark, crimson colored rose petals. They'd been scattered all over, only broken in pattern by the white bags holding small candles. Against the darkness of the sky, she watched as Daemyn uncovered Jazzi's eyes. A smile stretched her friend's face, and she welcomed his arms around her. Much like Lidia had Altan's just moments before, and had now. Then, the surprise unfolded. A jewelry box appeared in his hands, and he was down on his knees. Jazzi covering her mouth with both hands, Lidia laughed as it did nothing to slight her shriek.

Tears were now pouring down her friend's cheeks, and darn it all they were burning in her own. How did Jazzi say yes with abandon, and why was she still flailing for an answer? Was Altan the one? As surely as they snow was cold, she was baffled. Sighing, she smiled up at Altan, "You ready to get out there and congratulate them?"

He nodded, "Yes ma'am."

Together, they walked hand in hand down off of her back porch, hugging and congratulating their friends. It seemed yet another couple had formed, almost instantaneously. She was willing to bet baseball season would never be the same for any of them, again.

Technically this is the end of the story..but there will be an epilogue & another surprise afterward. Hope you enjoyed "The Ole Ball Game Series"


Blogger Lydia said...



gzuz.. i love this story... ::tear: why must it end.. whyyyyyyy.... i love it.. LOVE IT!!!!... haha... jo your such a great writer... anything u ever want me to read pronto just add lidia and ill be there :P rotfl... I'm kidding of course... hehehheehhehe... awww im just so excited.... i feel like chrissy after three cans of soda rotfl.. dear lord.. stop me now... such a great series.. best ever.... it goes in high ranking with the janet evanovich series and you know how much i just love my ranger! hehehe.... your so great.. ahhhhh im ending this comment with.. it was great loved it jo..

Lotsa love for ya!


11:08 PM  

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