"Daddy's Girl"

Chapter 4, Part 2
Her eyes went wide, and her mouth hung open, sure it was a pretty ungraceful position to be in, but Grayson Daniels had just thanked her! Thanked her for being around, thanked her for helping with Eva, and for virtually everything else. She tried to recover, to wrap her brain around his words, but she couldn't! "I...I..I..don't know what to say! Wow, Gray.."
He smiled, "Really, you're such a blessing."
Now his words were a bit much! "Okay, that's enough, now I know you're laying it on thick!" she found herself grinning as she fed Eva her bottle. "I don't mind helping, Grayson, for as long as I'm needed or wanted as the case may be..."
"I know we've had some rough times in the past, Rae, I'll be the first to admit I've been a first class jerk to you. I'd love to have you around for as long as you're willing to stay. Eva needs her only aunt in her life, I'm certain of that." his grey eyes reflected pain as she was sure he was thinking about the mother his young daughter would never meet.
She tried to smile through the tears she felt coming yet again, "Listen, Grayson, I want to be here. I love this baby more than anything, she's the last piece of my sister that I've got." Her arms curled into the baby's softness, her hand involuntarily stroking her feather-soft hair. "She's something I've never had, a child to share things with. I doubt I ever will have a chance for a child again."
His frown deepened as he crouched down beside the rocking chair, "We need you to be here with us, Raeanne, I don't know what I was thinking. I know nothing about babies.." his voice trailed off as he looked at Eva with nothing but love.
"I can help. I need to help, I cannot leave her just yet. I'll continue to live here with my parents, and visit every chance I get." she leaned down and pressed a kiss on Eva's forehead before handing the sleeping angel over to her father.
His brow furrowed, Grayson stood with the sweet weight against him nearly tip toeing to the carrier across the room. She smiled as she watched the image of father and daughter for as long as her watery eyes would allow.
"Raeanne?" his voice came from near her ear, it startled her causing her to jump.
"What did you mean about not having a chance to have a child again? There is no way you can say that. You're a beautiful, intelligent, caring woman that any man would be lucky to marry. You'll have some children of your own, Rae, don't worry." his soft smile had her breaths coming in huffs as she tried to regulate her breathing and come up with an explanation that would work for him.
"I just..I..nothing, nevermind Grayson. I'm glad to help, let's leave it at that. We've all got skeletons in our closets, I've just got more than anyone I know. I'd rather leave them where they are than drag them out for the world to see. Now, if you don't mind, I might get a few hours of sleep before my parents get home." standing, she walked over to pick up the baby's carrier and hand it to him. "Thanks for coming over, Grayson. I'll see you tomorrow."
With that, she held the door for him and closed it behind him. Leaning her back against the closed door she breathed a sigh of relief. "That was close, too close." she said to herself, cautioning against further heart-to-hearts with her brother-in-law. No more, she decided. No more reliving the past, no more talks, no more feelings. Period.
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