"Route for the Home Team."

Chapter 10
Lidia climbed the stairs to the box seats her friends had insisted on every year, year after year that they'd lived in the Bronx. "So this is it." she said grandly, making a great show of the row of empty seats.
"It's..nice." he muttered behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and letting her guide her into the seats.
"Nice? This is what Charity calls, prime seating. You see third base?" she pointed toward where the third baseman stood.
He nodded in the affirmative.
"Exactly!" exclaimed Charity from behind them.
"Hey, when'd you get here?" asked Lidia, pulling herself away from his grasp to hug her long time friend.
"Just now." was the reply as Alex filed in behind Charity and the four of them took their seats.
"Where's the rest of the crew?" Altan questioned, as he looked around.
"I'm unsure," came Charity's reply as she looked arounnd the stadium, "Jazzelle said they weren't coming, something about a double date?"
Lidia glanced into the upper tier and sure enough...
Jazzelle elbowed Andre, "Pass the popcorn, man."
"Alright, alright, it's coming, it's coming!" he exclaimed shoving the box into her hands.
"Yeah, yeah, so is Christmas." came her muttered reply as she scarfed a handful of the buttery fluff and handed it back.
"This is fun, Jazzi, who's next?" questioned Keely from beside her as she watched Altan and Lidia beside Charity and Alex.
A mischievous grin was her only reply as Jazzelle met her eyes.
"Oooohh no! Not me!" said Keely lifting her arms in surrender.
"If Jazzi says it's you, it's you." called Bethanie from beside Andre.
"It's not me!" Keely said defensively.
"Sure it isn't." laughed Andre.
Muttering to herself, Keely pulled her baseball cap down over her eyes and looked toward the baseball diamond again.
Her friends fell against each other in uproarous laughter, but somehow, she didn't find them the least bit funny!
Altan watched as Lidia smiled at him from beside her friend Charity as she carried on a conversation about an upcoming party for one of Alex's children. Sighing, he leaned against his hand and watched further.
"You've got it just as bad as I do." muttered Alex from beside him with a grin as he watched Charity with the eyes of a sleuth.
"What do you mean?" he asked hating taking his eyes from her and turning them toward her friend's boyfriend.
"Wanna' see something, man?" asked Alex reaching for his pocket.
Altan found himself nodding, what did the man have?
A tiny jewelry box was in Alex's hand, he extended it hiding it from the outside world. With a soft rasp, the velvet box was open and Altan found himself staring at a huge diamond on what appeared to be an engagement ring. "I'm going to be asking her to marry me soon. I never thought I'd even settle down enough to marry. You've got it just as bad, I can tell."
"Wow, that's the biggest rock I've ever seen outside of a jewelry store display case." he whispered so as not to be overheard by the women.
"Yep, and if I estimate correctly, you'll be doing just the same thing not so long from now." with those words, Alex hoisted himself up and out of the chair walking toward Charity with a grin on his face.
Altan tapped his chin considering this as he watched Lidia with her friends, he loved her. He really did. Was Alex right? His smile grew as he too hoisted himself to his feet and walked over to the group. This was what was right in his life. Guess it was time to route for the home team and get with the program. He was staying around, for good.
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