"Daddy's Girl-The epilogue"

Years Later..
Eva Daniels donned her cap and gown and smiled at her mother, "Well this is it."
Her mother sniffled, dabbing her eyes with the corner of a handkerchief and nodded. "My baby is graduating highschool!"
Her father chuckled, wrapping an arm around her mother's waist, "Ah, it's okay, she's doing just fine. Look at her, and you have to make it through this graduation you've got five more to attend." With a wink, he led both of them to the car.
"When do I graduate?" asked her twelve year old sister, Elizabeth.
"Like thirty years if you keep failing grades." quipped her eight year old brother, Michael.
"The Daniels Family Van is pulling out!" shouted her father and the five year old twins, Jared and Kyle came running.
"One minute I almost forgot!" her mother announced, hopping out of the front seat and dragging Eva along with her.
"Hurry up, we'll be late!" Michael informed them.
"Oh you can't read a book, but you can tell time?" Elizabeth poked her younger brother.
"Shut up!" he shouted.
"All of you be quiet and get buckled." her father said decisively.
"Where are we going?" asked Eva finally, as her mother dragged her through their maze of a house.
"I needed to give you this, before you graduated. I promised your Dad I would when you were just a tiny baby. Now, it's time to give it to you." with a nod, her mother opened the door to Eva's bedroom.
"My bedroom? I already know everything thats in here. Is this a joke?" she quirked an eyebrow at her mother who shook her head back and forth and went straight for the corner.
"This, this is it." she nodded now, curls moving up and down with her head as she reached around the large old chest and grabbed a key. "This was the first gift I ever gave you, but it's been set aside for you until now." With a twist of the key, the old rusty lock groaned and opened. Inside, lay pictures, lots of white tulle and who knew what on the bottom. "Most of this was Elizabeth's, your first mother's."
"Oh thank you!" she exclaimed hugging her mother tightly, her first mother had died soon after child birth. According to the tale both of her parents were fond of telling, while taking care of her they'd fallen in love. Two years later they'd married, and now here they were. A family.
"I figured, before you knew where you were going in life, you'd need to know where you'd been." with a smile, and more tears her mother hugged her back.
"A cry fest, so that's why we're going to be late?" her father asked from the door.
"Yes, a cry fest do you have a problem with that?" quipped her mother, standing and ushering her father into the hug as well.
"Of course I have a problem with that, I wasn't invited!"
The three broke into laughter, and Eva treasured it all in her heart. She was and forever would be, Daddy's girl.
The End
Hi Jo,
Happy New Year to you!
Amazing stories both here as well as on CMC eHQn!
Cant wait for more - hope you get pubbed soon!
Once again, I can only say WOW!!!
Thanks for finishing the story, what an ending!!!!
Have a nice day!!! Cya on eHQN.
I love it!!
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