Requested Story..

Chapter 1, Part 2
Sawyer Hartford clicked to his horse and pulled on the reins, slowing White Lightening to a halt before his mother's apartment building. The building was his mother's pet project, she'd haggled with old man McNeely until the coot had buckled on the price. Mom claimed she needed something to do now that she was alone. Sawyer had taken over the ranch after Dad had died on his eighteenth birthday. Tying White Lightening's reins to the fence in front of the apartment building, he waved to Mr. Shepherd across the street before taking the stairs two at a time.
He stopped in the hallway at the sight of his mother and a beautiful woman, tall and graceful she had piercing eyes that appeared to be purple in color. Long, tight curls spilled down her back, and a brilliant smile was pasted to her face as she talked to his mother.
Clearing his throat, he walked in kissing his mom's cheek, "Hi Mom."
"Sawyer, this is Miz Oakley. She needs to be shown around town." his mother's eyes sparkled with mischief.
He tipped his stetson, turning his smile toward the woman, "G'day Miz Oakley."
She blinked a few times, "Please, call me Gianna."
"Alrighty then, as you wish." he set his stetson on correctly, and held out his arm. "Shall we?"
Gianna centered her purple eyes on his mother, his mother's head bobbed up and down with certainty. "Okay, I guess so." her accent was definitely something northern, he decided as he held the door for her. As the door swung open, her pretty face showed signs of worry, "Where is your car?"
Now his grin really did stretch, as he pointed toward White Lightening. "Right there."
Her mouth dropped open, her purple eyes widened, "That..that..that isn't a car."
"Very good, Miz Oakley." he imitated his fifth grade teach, Miss Beesley as he untied the horses' reins.
Shaking her head, Gianna ran her hand down Lightening's smooth white coat. "He's beautiful."
Lightening neighed in approval.
"He knows."
Gianna giggled in approval as he climbed onto the horse and pulled her up with him. "Let's get to this." he said as he clucked and the horse started off at a trot.
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