"Daddy's Girl"

Chapter 8, Part 2
Raeanne arrived at her parents house, out of breath but still a smile held her face captive. She could hear Gray's footfalls from around the corner. Her heart beat faster, but surely that was just from the race from Gray's house to home. Nodding, she walked up the stairs on legs that felt like jelly, and opened the door. On the couch sat her parents watching an old western movie, Eva was asleep in her play pen. Smiling, she walked in and kissed first her mother then her father on the cheek and took a seat across from them.
"Hello to you too." said a shocked looking mom, as she looked toward the door to see Grayson stumbling in.
"What were you two up to?" asked her father, his eyes centered on her.
"We ran over, literally." she quipped, smiling at her dad.
Her parents exchanged a look that said, What is going on here?
"I'll tell you what's going on." she said finally, reaching over and turning off the television.
Both of their eyes widened, and Grayson dragged a chair over from the dining room table.
"Must be something big if you're both in on it." said her mother, a twinkle in her eye thinking most likely that it was something good.
Yet for the first time in her life, Rae didn't feel ashamed of her past. It was just that, her past. "Actually, Mom, Dad, this has nothing to do with Grayson, he stumbled into some things of Lizzy's. This is about my past. I couldn't tell you before, I made Lizzy keep it a secret. I lied to you, hid from you, and cheated Lizzy out of an honest relationship with you. For that I am deeply, deeply sorry. My past is already forgiven by God, but I came tonight to ask for your forgiveness." she began, taking a deep fortifying breath and looking over at Grayson for some help.
He nodded and mouthed, You can do it.
Nodding back, she looked at her open-mouthed,waiting parents. "I was pregnant, while I was in college. When I found out, I panicked and Lizzy helped me. She supported me financially, she visited me, and made sure I was all right. Lizzy was the best. However, Evan was a still born. It broke my heart, and he's buried here. In the same cemetary as Lizzy." Tears began to well again, in the memory and now the freedom she felt with the secret of years off of her chest.
Her mother was the first to respond, she got up off the couch, tears running down her cheeks and pulled her into a hug. Sighing in the comfort of her mother's arms, she let the tears flow. Her father was next, and he joined them, wrapping his arms around them in something of a group hug. All three of them in tears, they pulled away. Grayson flashed her a thumbs up, and wiped his eyes. She smiled at him, "And thank you, Grayson." she whispered.
He nodded, "Anytime."
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