"Daddy's Girl"

Chapter 8, Part 1
Grayson stared at the trunk that now sat in the corner of his daughters room. Raeanne had insisted on cleaning it up herself and stenciling Eva's name on the top of the trunk. She'd also obtained a key from somewhere unknown to lock the trunk until Eva would be old enough to see the contents. Her eyes filled with wonder and tears, Rae had parted with the trunk and left him there all alone with his thoughts. The big wooden trunk was beautiful with it's brass hinges and lock, the dark chesnut finish. His eyes were glued to the craftsmanship of the piece, and he hoped Eva would see the love put into the gift her aunt had given her once she got to be a bit older. The tiny baby was still with his mother-in-law, and Rae had walked home. He'd tried to offer a ride, but still she went.
Shrugging, he kneeled next to the trunk and touched the now dry purple paint. Two swirling pink roses lighted either side of the name, and Raeanne's talent showed through. Had it been so long that he'd forgotten about her artistic abilities? The delicate detail that went into the painting had him there for who knows how long. Just in awe of her ability and loving work. Sighing, he got off of his knees and walked to the window noting that Rae hadn't made it too far. There she sat on the bench in his yard, in the pouring rain.
Quickly, he set to work going down the stairs without a thought for what he might say to her when he reached her. However, this was what he had to do. Nodding, he grabbed two coats, one for himself and one for Raeanne, and walked onto the porch.
"Hi there," he whispered, wrapping the jacket around her shoulders.
Looking into her face, he saw a mixture of rain and tears on her cheeks, green eyes round took him in. "Hello." she replied.
"What are you doing out here? Why didn't you come inside?" he asked finally, sitting beside her without slipping the jacket on himself.
"I couldn't Grayson, I just couldn't. Like I couldn't see those things again, or talk about Evan. Things have just changed, thats all. Why have they changed?"
The sadness of the moment struck him silent, yet one glimpse at the falling rain of spring showed his answer. Revealing God in an incredible new way to him. "Things never can stay the same, our lives are about change Raeanne. It took a lot for me to finally see that God has a plan for our lives. That we aren't just bumbling around this earth like idiots. Change happens to bring us closer to him, to set us higher on a new plateau so to speak." he said finally, his entire being alight with the realization.
"Do you really think so, Grayson?" she asked, turning toward him now, the haze of confusion was dimmer than before. Tears had stopped, and the rain was letting up.
He smiled, "Yes, I really think so."
"Well, where do we go from here?" she bit her lip nervously awaiting his answer.
"To your parents house."
"How'd I know you'd say that?" she asked, a smile finally breaking over her face.
He shrugged, "Woman's intuition?"
She pushed him gently, and began to run ahead of him.
"Hey, I thought we'd drive..."he held up the keys and jingled them.
"I'll race you!" she called, and she seemed more alive than when he'd first met her.
A feeling akin to being kicked in the stomach fluttered through him. What was going on here?
This story is awesome! It's so amazing that they seem as if real people to me. I hope to see more of this story soon.
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