"Pinned by Love"

Chapter 2, Part 1
Gabriel watched his mother walk inside from the cold, with a bunch of letters in her hands.
"Gabe, there's something here for you." she said, a smile on her face.
He felt his heart do a dance, he loved getting mail! "Thank you!" he cheered, latching onto his mother's knees. His friends always complained about not getting any letters, he'd tried once or twice to write them letters, but it took too long! He'd definitely rather be playing with his cars, dinosaurs or watching wrestling.
Quickly, he opened the envelope, two long skinny pieces of paper fell out of the envelope. A letter, that was in some sort of weird handwriting, and two pieces of paper covered in slippery stuff. Frowning, he examined the contents of the envelope one by one. He noticed some letters, and tried to put together the big words to make sense of the letter but he couldn't. "Mama?" he asked, standing and running into the kitchen where she sat at the big table reading her own letters.
"What is it Gabe?" she asked, turning her chair to see him.
He handed her the letter, "Too many big words."
Mama took the letter into her soft, warm hands, her smile turned to a frown and then tears started to drip down her cheeks.
"Mama! Mama! What's wrong? Is those big words bad?" he asked, tugging on her shirt.
"Are..and no, baby. These big words are good. This is a letter from Bryant Everett, saying you and I have two free tickets to his next match. As well as two backstage passes." she smiled as she wiped away her own tears.
Tears? He danced around the kitchen with a happy feeling in his heart. HE was going to see Bryant Everett! He had no idea what backstage was, but it sounded pretty good as long as Bryant Everett would be there. "When can we go, Mama? When?" he asked finally, hoping she'd say tomorrow.
"Where are the tickets?" she asked, her smile widening as he did his dance.
"In there!" he yipped, running into the living room at full speed and landing on his knees on the wood floor. With both hands he scooped up the envelope, tickets and what he supposed were backstage passes. As fast as lightening, he zipped back into the kitchen colliding with the refridgerator in his haste. With a laugh he fell back on his bottom and bounced right back up onto his feet. "Here, here, here!" he chanted, handing the tickets to her.
"These are open ended tickets." she explained as she read the tickets.
"Mama, big words, I don't understand big words." he complained, frowning at her.
"Sorry, that means we can go whenever he has a match and we can go." she smiled at him, "Let me check the calendar and Mr. Everett's and then we'll plan it. Is that a date?"
"A date? But..you're my Mooooom!"
She chuckled, poking at his belly, "And don't you think of any other dates for a long time, buster."
"The name is Gabriel!" he called over his shoulder as he left her to her letters again. But he just couldn't wait to get to school tomorrow to tell all of his classmates that HE was going to see Bryan Everett. In real life! Doing a jump kick in the air he yipped again. This was way too exciting!
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