"Take Me Out to the Ball Game.."

Chapter 4
They were losing in the bottom of the seventh, and Charity couldn't contain her anger anymore. With both hands she cast her styrofoam cup away, and stood to her feet. "You aren't gonna blow this one guys! Let's go! Get your head in the game!"
A firm hand grasped her arm, and she was being forced back into her seat. "Thank you for that inspirational speech, but some of us like keeping our hearing." Andre said, before releasing her.
"He's just jealous that you don't yell at him like that." her sister cackled, with the same mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
"Like she doesn't yell at me ever!" he accused, turning toward Jazelle now.
"She yells at me too." nodded Bethany, her blonde hair blowing in the breeze.
"I'm this close to yelling at you all." cautioned Lidia, holding up two fingers to show just how close.
"Everyone needs to take a deep breath or something..."Keely decided holding up both hands to halt their steady arguments. All eyes turned to her, and she smiled sweetly to keep the peace.
"I think Keely's right." Jazelle put in turning toward second base with a smile.
Charity sighed, glancing out at the players who so desperately needed a jolt, she felt just as down as they did right now. Shrugging, she stood, "I'm going to get something to drink, anyone need anything?"
"Popcorn." put in Jazelle, without moving her eyes off of the action on the field.
"A date.." Bethany decided, her blue eyes twinkling as if she'd told a joke.
"Shut up." she quipped, turning on her heel and half walking, half jogging down the stairs.
Standing in line got boring pretty quick, and she found herself chewing on her fingernail listening for announcements. The commotion behind her had her spinning however, when she heard a child's cries. Something about the child involved was familiar, his dark mocha colored skin and eyes stood out to her. It was the little boy Julie had brought into the shop for a hair cut the day before. Standing beside the little boy was his double, only taller and older. In the man's arms was a child who was throwing herself around. The tiny girl, dressed delicately in pink and lace was little Ava. Sighing, she took herself out of her place in line. "Hello." she said, hurriedly getting out of the way of foot traffic.
"Hi." the man's reply was short and clipped, and he didn't seem to mind.
"I was just wondering if I could do anything to help you seem to have a problem.." her voice trailed off as she realized just how stupid she sounded.
"Well, I guess." he glanced down at Cole. "You're the beautician right?" his eyes were just as wary as Cole's.
"Yes, I met them yesterday with Julie." a smile broke out on her face as Ava stopped whining and fixed her big brown eyes on her.
"Well see...they both need to use the restroom, but Ava will not go into the men's room. I very well cannot go into the women's room, and she cannot go alone." he stood at attention as if he were being questioned by military police or something.
"There's a simple solution to that." she decided aloud.
"Oh? And what is it?"
"I'll take her into the women's room for you, and meet you both right here." she signed the words and spoke them for Ava's benefit hoping the girl would agree. Ava nodded readily, and almost reluctantly, the man handed over the little girl.
Her heart lept with joy when Ava smiled at her, and brushed a chubby little hand down her cheek. She'd always wanted children, yet it seemed the right man for her was lost forever or never coming. Shrugging it off for the moment, she helped the little girl with the daunting task of using the bathroom and finished with holding her to the sink to let her wash her hands.
"Thank you." signed Ava as she walked out of the bathroom.
She smiled at the little girl on her hip, "Anytime."
Alex found himself frantically searching the crowd passing him five minutes later, he knew that Ava would be quite fine. However, he couldn't help but feel a bit jumpy at the idea of letting a deaf child go with an unknowing beautician. Especially one he didn't know. Finally, the tiny beautician came into view, Ava still on her hip. The two were carrying on a conversation in sign language, and he was sure his mouth hung open as he watched.
The woman's long dark hair was captivated in a pony tail, and a Yankee hat was firmly clamped down atop it. Her blue eyes twinkled animatedly, and her smile was so wide it nearly took over her face. He felt a crack in the ice around his heart for the first time since he'd laid eyes on his niece and nephew. No, he tramped down those feelings. He would not let another woman in. Not someone else to hurt him, never again.
"Thank you." he said when they finally approached.
Her smile widened, which seemed impossible to him, yet she handed over Ava. "Not a problem. I'm Charity Douglas by the way." She shook his empty hand in her tiny one.
"Alex Harper." he said, his voice sounding flat to his own ears.
Cole had since wrapped one arm around his leg, and stared up at the woman.
"Hiya Cole!" she exclaimed, crouching down before the shy little boy.
"Hi." said Cole, his voice sounding just as excited as his uncles.
"Well, I'm glad I could help. I'd better get back in there to my friends. Nice meeting you, Alex." she shone one more smile on them and then with a wave she was gone.
Immediately, Cole released his leg and reasserted his quiet independance. "Let's go." he called, taking off with short yet fast steps.
Following the boy, he bit his tongue to keep from yelling at him, and simply watched him like a hawk. He'd been trained for such things, hadn't he? Yes. There was no reason he couldn't let the little boy think he had his freedom, yet keep him in his care. He felt like he was being watched, but instead of finding the gaze of anyone, he kept his head down. Soon enough he could take the kids home, get them in bed, and pretend his heart never knew the difference. Until then, he was stuck trying to keep his eyes off of a certain beautician.
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