"Requested Story...Still unnamed.."

Chapter 2, Part 2
Sawyer frowned at Gianna Oakley's back, as he watched her ascend the stairs into his mother's apartment building. What was wrong with her? Sure city women were snippy, but was she the queen of them or what? Shrugging it off, he clicked to his horse and turned around toward town hoping to let him cool down a bit before the long ride back to the ranch. Soon, he was near the general store, so he hopped down from White Lightening's back, and tied his reins onto the post. "Be back in a bit, Lightening." he said to the horse, who nodded as if he understood.
Dust kicked up around him as he walked up the pathway to the general store, the bell clanged as he opened the door. Everything was normal, and yet why did it suddenly feel different? It had only been a ride, a simple ride around the town. Nothing unnatural. It seemed he could feel the breeze through the hole in his heart, it was one he knew only God could fill. However, he was in no hurry to run back to the God who did nothing but sit back and watch him suffer.
"Did you all see the new woman in town?" asked Hank, a hired hand from the Gillbert's ranch.
Another hand let out a whistle, "Sure is a perty little thing." he commented, tipping his hat.
Lana, the owner of the store shook her head and tut-tutted them. "Her name is Gianna Oakley, comes from New York. I hear she got plump tired of the big city, and it's ways. Startin' over here, and Sawyer was takin' her on a tour of the town just a little.."
"Bit ago." he finished, nodding to Lana, as if thanking her for sharing his business with virtually the whole town. Once one person knew, it was inevitable. The gossip vine ran thick through their little community. It was one of those given things.
"What's she like?" asked Steve, his blue eyes glistening as he looked from the apartment building in the distance back to Sawyer.
"Like any other city lady, bitter yet pretty as a peach, I suppose." was his clipped retort as he grabbed an apple and a bottle of water. With one hand he slapped down the money to pay for the two items. "Have a good day now, y'all." he drawled, walking out without another word. He didn't support gossip, especially when it included him. His ears burned with what he knew was their talk about him. However,did he care? Not much. He had a ranch to get back to, now that he knew Mom's friend wasn't close to her age, he most definitely wouldn't be taking her anywhere again. Especially when only a few hours with her had him feeling so empty and washed up that he looked toward the sky. Shaking his head, he looked at White Lightening who seemed to feel everything he felt. The horse neighed appropriately. "Let's get home, WL." he stated, untying the reins and climbing back up into the saddle. Things were far too complicated in town, he'd much rather stay on the ranch where it was just him, his land, and the animals.
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