1,2,3 Strikes Your Out..

Chapter 1
The blue sky and the green grass surrounded her in a state of near nothingness that was morning, as Keely took a simple walk down the street. She had nothing on her schedule for today, aside from a movie night with the girls later on. Her heart sighed in relief at the fresh air that filled her lungs, it was a chance to get out of the office today. Away from the counseling that so consumed her life and burdened her heart.
A childish giggle from beside her rent the morning air, and she turned to see a father and son tossing a frisbee to a tiny dog in their front yard. Her mind ran with the idea of family for a few minutes, and soon Blaze entered her thoughts. Where was he? What was he up to today? They were still friends after all of these years together and apart. The spark was there between them, her friends had often commented on how sweet they were together, yet nothing ever cemented their relationship.
Just as if everyone had the right to barge into her thought life, her cell phone came to life in her pocket. "Hello." she chirped, feeling much like the birds around her.
"Hey Keely, how are you?" came the gruff voice she'd come to identify as Blaze's.
"Good actually, on a morning stroll. I've got the day off today." she smiled as she spoke and took in the sights around her as her neighborhood came to life.
"Well, would you be interested in lunch?" his next question intrigued her.
She nodded as if he could see then laughed at herself, "Yes, I would love that."
He chuckled, "Okay, how about I pick you up for noon?"
"That'd be perfect, see you then Blaze." she answered, clicking the button to end the call and depositing the cell phone back in her pocket.
Could she get away with dancing her way back home? Excited at the possibilities of a lunch date with Blaze, she nearly skipped all the way back to her apartment. When she retrieved her key from her pocket, and opened the door, she came face to face with Jazzelle nearly screaming. "What are you doing here?"
"I've got a key and permission, remember?" Jazzi smiled presenting her key before tugging Keely inside with her. "Besides, I hear we have a date to get you ready for."
"A...hey, how'd you know that?" she questioned even as her friend dragged her into her room and began going through her closet.
"I've got my sources." Jazzi's answer was muffled by the pile of clothes she grabbed out of the closet and transferred to the bed. "Start trying them on."
"Yes, mom."
"Don't take that tone with me, young lady. I'll be waiting outside!" her friend called over her shoulder as she closed the door behind her.
Keely collapsed on the bed beside the clothes, what to do, what to do.
Blaze squinted at his reflection in the mirror, "Oh well, good enough." he shrugged walking away from it without a backward glance. Walking out the door of his apartment, he climbed into the car and took off toward Keely's. She was expecting him at noon, and he'd be there. He'd let her down too many times in the past to do so again. Why couldn't he just admit to himself that she was too good to let go? Sighing, he slammed a fist off the steering wheel as a red light stopped his progression toward her house. "Come on, don't have all day!" he called to the inanimate object.
Finally, it turned green and he passed through the light finally arriving at her house. Getting out, he half walked, half jogged up the sidewalk and pressed the doorbell.
Jazzelle opened the door with a smile, "Well, Blaze, aren't you looking nice."
"Yes, yes, where's Keely?" he asked anxious to see her after their near month break from one another.
"She'll be right out, come on inside." she ushered him inside, and closed the door behind him. "Take a seat, I'll be back with her." Jazzelle disappeared down the hallway before he could even say anything more, so instead he took a seat on one of the couches.
Moments later, Jazzelle reappeared followed shortly by an incredible looking Keely. Eyes blue as the sky lit at the sight of him, and her face stretched with a smile, "Hello, Blaze."
"Hello yourself, I've missed you." he stood, walking toward her and bending slightly to kiss her cheek.
She leaned into his kiss, smiling wider than he thought possible, "Thanks for calling, I've missed you too."
Jazzelle made a coughing noise to be sure they knew she was still in the room, he grinned at her then turned his smile on Keely. "You ready to hit the road, beautiful?"
Keely nodded, "Yep. Lock up before you leave?" she directed her question to Jazzelle.
"Wouldn't leave without doing so, you kids have fun. Have her home before six! We're having girls night!" she called after them.
He chuckled, "Yes, Mom."
Jazzelle watched after Keely and Blaze drove off together, she walked back into Keely's bedroom and got back to putting away the clothes she'd strewn all over in a mad search for the perfect outfit. "Well, that's one more couple in your hands, God." she said aloud before hanging another hanger on the rack in the closet. "You know what has to be done, I'm still keeping the others in prayer as well. Keeping the tricks up my sleeve, as well." she grinned.
Her own cell phone jingled to life and she reached for it, "Hello." she greeted the caller.
"Hey Jazzi, it's Alex."
"What's going on, Alex?" she asked, her mind flying to her sister or one of the kids. He never called her cell phone, so why now?
"Nothing is wrong, Jazzi, don't have a cow." he chuckled softly before continuing, "I wanted you to help me co-ordinate a surprise engagement party."
"For who?" she asked, a smile crawling across her face.
"Your sister." he sounded as nervous as she thought he'd be.
She chuckled, "No problem, Alex, we'll give her the proposal she'll never forget." After squaring away the details of the meeting she'd set with her sisters future-fiance, she closed her cell phone and put it in her pocket. "One down, two more to go, two on their way."
wow, just read it ;) all i can seem to think of is WOW!!! Nice start. if i wasn't about to crash out, i'd say more ;) but i'll just tell you on aim tomorrow :)
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