Pinned by Love

Chapter 3
"Beast! Beast! Beast!" the crowd cheered his stage name as he stomped back toward his dressing room. To some wrestlers, the ones he'd fought tonight would be unstoppable, to his crushable in thirty minutes or less. Come to think of it, he should have named himself "Convenient", because thats exactly what he was.
"Great match tonight, Bry." commented one of the other wrestler's as he walked toward his own dressing room.
"Thanks." he said, shrugging as he opened the door to his dressing room.
Before long, a short knock was sounding on the door.
"Come in!" he called, hoping it wouldn't be someone to disturb his rest.
"Mr. Everett, it's Shirley. It seems you have some visitors. This is Gabriel Sheridan and his mom, Karena." the blonde receptionist stepped out of the way to reveal an excited looking six-year old boy with dark hair and blue eyes. Behind him, stood a petite woman with the same blue eyes and dark hair.
"Hello, come right in." suddenly the gruffness was gone from his voice as he ushered them into his dressing room. This was the boy who'd taken the time to write a note to him, worshipped him as his idol.
The boy zipped right into the room, followed at a much slower pace by his mother. "It's great to be here, Mr. Everett, really! Thank you!" the boys eyes glittered and his smile nearly reached his ears.
"I always take time for my fans, Gabe. I really liked your letter too." he smiled down at the excited boy.
"You really didn't have to, and that's something to be appreciated about your character, Mr. Everett." said his mother with a shy smile. She tugged a camera from her purse, and looked up at him, "Would you mind if I got a shot of the two of you together?"
"Sure, why not?" he grinned again at the tiny woman, and took a seat on the couch. "C'mon Gabe."
"Oh boy!" the little boy climbed up beside him and his smile widened, if that was even possible.
With a genuine smile he carried out the rest of the visit, but couldn't help feeling it was somehow significant in his life.
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