"Take Me Out to the Ball Game."

Chapter 5
With a swift knock on the door, she stuck her key into the key hole and cracked the door to her sister and cousin's apartment. "Everybody decent?" she called, slinging her overnight bag over her shoulder.
"Should hope so." said Cherlin with a laugh as she opened the door for Charity the rest of the way.
"Yeah, really, what would I be doing here if they weren't?" called Andre from his place on the sofa.
"What are you doing here? I thought this was a ladies night!" she accused, looking around for her sister.
"I think he snuck or begged his way in." added Lidia as she came around the corner carrying a glass of soda.
Jazelle walked into the room behind her with a bowl of popcorn, "He whined and whined, Cherlin said fine eventually. I told him okay, as long as he leaves at a decent hour. We need our beauty sleep.." she paused and glared at Andre, "No wise cracks."
"I wasn't gonna' say a thing." he said throwing his hands up.
Charity shook her head, "You guys are too much, okay all ready for 'watch as many creepy chick flicks as we can until we pass out' night."
Cherlin laughed, "We're still waiting for people."
She glanced around and noted that Keely and Bethany were still absent. She nodded, hoping Cherlin's brother wouldn't show up with his guitar for an impromptu show. "What's Robert up to tonight?" she asked finally, crossing her fingers mentally that she'd say he was on tour.
"He'll be over later, ten to one." replied Cherlin.
"Oh great, I'll have to get my ear plugs out." said Jazelle, grinning as she plopped down on the sofa next to Andre.
The doorbell gonged, "I'll get it." said Charity, ignoring the rest of them for a moment as she opened the door. "Hey Beth."
"I'm so glad you're here! There was this guy outside...he has a flat tire..and two little kids. He needs to use the phone. Come on!!" she yelled, motioning to whomever resided down the street.
Before she knew what was happening, in marched Alex Harper. Behind him, as if tiny troops in a three man army, Cole and Ava marched in.
"So we meet again, Charity." Alex grinned before looking around, "May I use the phone?"
"Certainly." with that word spoken, her sister ran off in search of the phone.
She waved at Cole and Ava, signing and speaking greetings to the two. In the time it took for Jazelle to find the phone, she'd introduced Alex and the children to all of her friends. Bethany stood near the door looking quite proud of herself,whether for bringing to object of her brain's affections or helping a stranded, really cute man. The world would never know.
"I'll only be a minute." said Alex, pulling a card from his pocket and dialing the number.
Cole stood in his spot, while Ava worked the room. Everyone seemed attracted to the two youngsters, and the two hardly wanted to leave when Alex had vacated the phone. Nevertheless, their uncle pulled them out of the house when the tow truck arrived and the three disappeared from sight.
With a sigh, Charity closed the door behind them and turned to a room full of expectant faces. "What?" she asked, taking the seat her sister had vacated on the couch.
Alex kept a hold of both kids as they stood waiting for the tow truck outside of Charity's sister's house. Ava pouted pointing toward the closed door to the apartment, as if she wanted to go back. Cole stared up at the two of them his eyes taking in every detail and movement.
Ava's hands were flying, "Can't I stay with Charity?"
"No, Ava, you may not stay with Miss Douglas, we're going home." he signed, nodding his head decisively.
Cole frowned as well, his lip sticking out only a fraction less than his sister's. "I like Miss Douglas." his soft words made Alex stand straight.
It'd taken the boy an incredibly long time to even say he liked the uncle who'd basically raised him, and even then Alex wasn't quite sure the boy liked him most times. Ava was still casting hopeful glances over his shoulder, most likely wishing that Charity would come to their rescue again. He felt a bit of resentment toward the perky beautician/yankee fan. Finally, to his utter happiness, the tow truck rounded the corner and helped him fix the car. He nodded his thanks, and pressed his credit card into the man's hand. Soon enough he was buckling the kids into their safety seats, and driving away.
Both kids were pouting still when they reached their home, but he really didn't mind. With both arms he hefted their tiny bodies into the elevator and took them toward their apartment. When he reached the big wooden door, he slid his key into the keyhole and walked in.
"Mommy's home!" the two words stopped him in his tracks. There stood his sister, Gloria, looking more strung out than he'd ever seen her before.
Cole tightened his hold on Alex's neck, while Ava clamored to get down and hug her mother. The girl was less prone to the danger that Gloria had brought to her children, than Cole was. Every muscle in his body tightened at the sight of her and he could hardly keep from letting out with all of the frustration that had built since he'd seen her two years ago.
After Ava had clung to her mother in a hug, he whispered to Cole, "Take Ava into the playroom."
Cole nodded with solemn eyes, went over steering clear of his mother and made eye contact with Ava. With one hand he signed for her to follow, and she did. When the door the playroom had shut, Alex marched closer to his sister.
"What are you doing here?" he demanded through clenched teeth.
"Lighten up bro, came to get my babies back. Thought you could use a break. Besides, I got married now, see? It's all better. Larry can help me with the kids, you don't hafta take care of them anymore." her words were slurred, and she held up a boney hand sporting a cheap ring.
"You can't take them, Gloria. You're so high you might as well be flying around the room." he resisted the urge to rub the bridge of his nose showing the tension she'd brought along with her. How did his life spin so far out of control? Minutes ago his worst problem was the kids wanting to see Charity.
"Come on, bro, just for the night. I miss my babies." she shot him her worst puppy dog look.
"You should have thought of that before you found your dealer earlier, Gloria. Go get yourself cleaned up, then we'll talk." He ushered her out of the room and toward the door.
"You cannot keep me away from my own children, Alex! So help me I'll get them back!" she squealed as he closed the door in her face and dead bolted it. She pounded the door twice with her tiny fists, and soon the threat was gone.
He sank down onto the couch leaning his head into both hands, wishing all of his problems would disappear. The feel of tiny hands on his back jarred him from his thoughts and he looked up to see Cole and Ava standing on the couch beside him with solemn eyes. "Come here." he whispered and signed, pulling the two of them close. What would it take to keep them safe and healthy? His heart pounded as he held them close, anything it took, he'd see it happened.
i vote that it takes marriage ;) lol
anyways,this story is going along great, i'm practically overjoyed to see that you've written more.
Keep that wonderful muse of yours going :)
Some good stuff here, Jo! I lost my favorite list and had a hard time finding you again, but I'm back and reading.
Could you email me? I have a question for you.
Hugs! Sally (sallydaylaw @ yahoo)
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