"1,2,3 Strikes Your Out."

Chapter 2
The small cafe buzzed with life around them, yet Keely's eyes were focused on the man across the table from her. He smiled at her and her insides seemed to go numb of all feeling, aside from what lingered in her heart for him. Unsure of herself, she lifted her menu and considered the options carefully. "So," she began non-chalantly, "what are you doing back?" Peeking over the corner of her menu at him, waiting for an answer she was surprised when his mouth dropped open.
"I came to see you, to see if we can patch things up, start over..." his voice trailed off as he reached around her menu for her hand. "I really have missed you, Keely."
"I've missed you too, Blaze. I've missed what we have together, but it's so hard apart." she dipped her head to avoid eye contact with him, she knew if he could see into her eyes now he'd see how much she hurt inside.
With his free hand, Blaze pulled the menu from her free hand and reached across the table to cup her chin. "It's okay, I'm staying this time."
"How can I be sure?" the question was out of her mouth before she could stop it, but she needed to ask. She needed to be reassured that he wasn't going to up and take off again. Her heart could take no more, it'd broken and mended too many times within her lifetime.
"You can trust me, Keely, I won't let you down again." he whispered.
"Can I take your order?"
They both jumped as the waitress appeared at their table. Thankful for the interruption as tears were welling in her eyes, Keely grabbed the menu from the table top. "Yes.." As she began to give her order, her thoughts flew in her mind and she had to give them a stop sign as she spoke. He was back, and for good it seemed. She still loved him, but could she risk her heart again?
Blaze watched as Keely's face transformed back to a cool mask when the waitress walked away, she'd composed herself. Sighing mentally, he released her hand again before unfolding and refolding his napkin. What could he do? She didn't trust him to stay, and rightfully so. He hadn't stayed before, he'd left and come back over and over. She should hate him, but not Keely. No, her heart was breaking, and he could see that in those blue eyes clear as the sky.
"Stop thinking like that, I don't hate you." she whispered, staring back into his eyes.
"You should, hon." he replied feeling at a loss for what to do.
"That's the problem, I can't."
He couldn't help himself, he chuckled, "So what do you say, another date tomorrow?"
She nodded slowly, "Yeah, another date sounds nice, but not tomorrow. After a night with the girls I'll be exhausted. Too much chocolate and girl talk."
"Ahh, so is THAT what you all do at your girl nights?" he liked the change of conversation, yet missed the openness they'd shared a few minutes ago.
"I can't say," she mocked zipping her lips, "that my friend is highly confidential information."
He shook his head, "You are something, Keely."
"Thank you."
Glancing down at his watch he noted that it was nearly time for said girls night, they'd talked for hours already. "I'd better get you to Jazzi's before she grounds you." he winked.
"Yeah, Lord knows she'll want to hear all about the date." replied Keely, getting up from her seat and grabbing her jacket from the back of the chair.
Carefully, he took it from her hands and held it aloft waiting for her reaction. Slowly, she donned the coat, turning and kissing his cheek, "Thank you, I missed that." she whispered.
He grinned, "Always at your service, ma'am." And he meant it.
Jazzelle had nearly worn the carpet down by her windows waiting and watching, pacing back and forth in her haste to see Keely.
"Will you sit already, you're making me nervous!" exclaimed Lidia, hands on hips.
"Yeah, really, Keely will be here soon enough." cautioned her sister, taking a seat in one of the overstuffed couches.
"I can't wait to hear about the date, that's all." she replied, sitting in the chair closest to the door so she could still keep an eye out.
"You need a man." said Lidia, her eyes twinkling with mischief, Charity and Bethanie nodded along with her.
Shaking her head, Jazzi stood again doubling back to the window, "Too busy marrying you all off to find someone of my own." she said focusing on the task at hand.
"Will you marry me off, Jazzi?" asked Bethanie from her place on the arm of Charity's chair.
"Soon as I'm done with Keely, now everybody look busy here they are." she called to her friends as she scooted back to her chair and grabbed a magazine.
The door creaked open, letting in the noise of Blaze's truck pulling away. Keely walked in, "Okay you all can stop looking busy, I'll tell you about the date." she laughed even as she closed the door behind her.
Jazzi found herself laughing and listening to Keely's adventures for the day, but her mind wandered back to her matchmaking. Blaze and Keely were all right for each other, in fact, they should already be together. However, sometimes they were so stubborn. Well, this time, she wouldn't let them get away with it. If she had to ducttape them both to a chair and lock them in a room together until they worked it out, she would. That's just how serious about this she was. Besides, it was fun to see Keely so happy, and Jazzelle was making it her goal to see that look in Keely's eyes forever.
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