"1,2,3 Strikes You're Out."

Chapter 4
Keely sat staring into Blaze's eyes long after she'd finished her lunch, the spring breeze that filtered through the trees and moved her hair only heightened her senses. He still liked her. That was enough to keep her floating on air all day long. Speaking of all day, her heart raced as she broke eye contact and looked down at her watch. It was long past time for her to get back to her office. "I should go." she mumbled, completely regretting her words now that she made eye contact once more.
"I'm sorry, I must've kept you pretty late..."his voice trailed off as he began cleaning up some of the dishes from the table and stuffing them into the basket once more.
"Don't apologize, Blaze, I'm just as much at fault." she replied, reaching to slow his hand as he kept shoving things into the basket.
He turned his hand over so their hands rested palm to palm, before he tugged her closer their lips just inches from touching. Her entire body began to spark with life and energy as she stared into his eyes, knowing what was about to happen. Slowly, ever so painfully slowly, his lips advanced toward her's. She nearly danced with the energy in the air, and she could hardly wait for the brush of his lips against her own. Finally, as if a drink to a thirsty desert traveler, he lowered his lips to her's fully. Together they stood there until the sound of someone clearing their throat behind Keely caught her attention. Begrudgingly, she tugged herself away from him and turned to see her last appointment of the day standing hands on hips behind her.
"So this is what you do on your lunch break, eh Miss K?" the very hostile, Paige Henderson stood daring either of them to deny what she'd seen.
"Only every other day." shot Blaze, his eyes glittering with laughter as he released her hands smiling his good-bye. "I'll call you later, Keely." he whispered for her ears only, before going back to his cleaning up.
Keely took a few steps toward the girl, gesturing toward the side door to the school. "Let's go on inside and we'll discuss this."
"Nothing to discuss, you were making out with your boyfriend. Way to go, Miss K, he's pretty cute." the sixteen year old smiled broadly as her eyes sparkled with mischief.
"Yes, he is, isn't he?" Keely had long since found out that Paige was sick of being misunderstood and not listened to. She'd made it a practice to tune everyone out since her parents had stopped caring, as she put it. Sighing, she held the door for one of her regular appointments. This had all the makings of a long afternoon.
Blaze sighed as he packed the picnic basket back in his truck, their afternoon together was over. It seemed it had just started. Jumping in the truck, he drove toward home wishing he could've had longer to spend with Keely. Instead, he'd have to deal with Jazzelle's questions over the phone and getting some sort of work done today.
His mind wandered to the kiss they'd shared, the chemistry that still flowed between them. Did she feel it still? Sighing once more, he resolved to ask her out again and see what would happen. He really did like her. Parking the car in his reserved spot outside of his apartment, he climbed down and walked toward his front door. He wasn't in a hurry to be subjected to 20 questions, Jazzelle style.
The phone rang inside, he could hear it already. Rolling his eyes, he shoved the key into the knob and opened the door. Letting the phone ring, he set the basket down on the counter and unloaded each dish individually into the sink. Let Jazzi sweat a bit. If he'd known Keely's friends were this crazy and close, maybe he would've rathered to meet her family. Laughing out loud, he grabbed the phone. "I'm home and no ones dead, what more do you want woman?"
"Wow, is that how you always answer your phone or are you waiting for someone special?" the voice on the other end was not that Jazzi's, it was Keely.
Shaking his head at his own stupidity, he lowered himself into a kitchen chair. "I was waiting for Jazzi to call and ask how the date went."
"I see," she chuckled aloud, "my friends drive you crazy yet?"
"Yet? No, not yet." he grinned, it helped him to feel better just hearing her voice.
"Do you think you'd be up to movies and popcorn tonight at my place with all of us?" her hopeful question sent his brain and heart flying. They didn't invite people to join them all often, but when they did it meant they were thinking about adding to their family.
"I'd love to." was his reply immediately.
Jazzelle watched the couples file in and take seats together, and the singles file to the other side. Feeling torn by being a hostess, and avoiding the couples like the plague, she took a seat in the middle of their lines. Her sister's near fiance pulled Charity into his lap and kissed her cheek. Altan and Lidia sat cuddled together on the couch, hand in hand laughing at some joke that'd passed between them.
The doorbell rang, another couple. Standing, she scooted to the door and opened it to reveal Keely and Blaze smiling at each other. So far, so good. Her plans were working. "Come on in."
"Thanks for inviting me along, Jazzi." Blaze said as the two of them stepped in through the door together.
"No problem, we've got couples row over there." she gestured toward the couch where the two other couples dwelt.
Bethanie and Andre beckoned her from singles wall and she sighed. She really needed to step up her game here. "I'm coming, I'm coming." she called waving her hand to silence them.
Closing the door, Jazzi watched as Keely and Blaze took a seat on the floor before greeting everyone. She sighed, and walked into the kitchen grabbing the bowl of popcorn from the counter. "Anyone want a soda?" she called after she'd handed the bowl to Bethanie.
"I'll take one!" called everyone in unison.
"Sure thing, I'll bring in a variety."
Grabbing an assortment of soda bottles from the refridgerator, Jazzelle set up the table full of refreshments. This was the life, all of her friends together to watch movies, old favorites and new ones. She smiled happily. Life was good just as it was, nothing needed to change. She'd show Lidia.
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