"Daddy's Girl"

Chapter 5, Part 2
Raeanne shifted her baby niece to her left arm, opening the door to her parents house with her right hand. "Hello! Anyone home?" she called into the empty living room, her glance being pulled from side to side as no noise greeted her.
Finally a shuffling in the kitchen caught her attention followed by a squeal, "Ohhh! My grandbaby is here! Watch out, I've got to hold her!" Rae's mom shoved past her dad and reached for the now squirming Eva.
Janice cooed and cuddled the baby, showing off the pretty little dress she wore to the 'little darling's' grandfather. The two looked as if they'd never seen a baby before. Jealousy boiled to the surface inside of Raeanne, she never remembered her parents being like that over her. Always Elizabeth, and now Elizabeth's baby. A niggling question rose from in the back of her brain somewhere, Would they have been that way with Evan? All of a sudden it was as if Rae was fighting off the well known tiny angel and demon on each shoulder. The angel chimed in, No darling, they love you just as much as your sister and would love your baby just as much as they love little Eva. While the demon chuckled, slapping his knee, They don't care about you, or your fatherless dead child. Your sister has always been their favorite, and even dead she outranks you.
She burned with anger, and couldn't help herself. Tossing down the diaper bag onto the couch with unnecessary force, she ran up the stairs toward her childhood bedroom. "Why?" she demanded as she flopped onto the bed.
A knock on the door snapped her to attention, "Come in." she called, wiping at her eyes swiftly.
"Hey Rae, just thought I'd make sure everything was okay...hey, are you crying again?" it was Grayson. Of course! That man had the worst timing in the world, she was sure. Every single time she cried, he was there. But, he couldn't be some really hott, buff movie star ready to comfort her. No, it had to be her dorky brother-in-law who hated her guts. Great, just great, and just her luck.
"No, I was simply cooking some hot dogs, what does it look like I was doing, Grayson?" she demanded, tossing a pillow from her bed at him.
He chuckled and knelt down beside the bed, "I was wondering about something..I found this envelope in Lizzy's drawer. I know it wasn't any of my business, but I wondered if you'd want it...well at least some of it. One thing didn't make sense though." He held aloft a tiny bronze key.
The breath caught in her throat, one thought on her mind however, He knows. The next thought that ran through her brain was RUN!
"I..I.. I can't do this..I've got to go. Now. " With one slow motion movement after the other she grabbed up her suitcase and ran down the steps tripping over the dog in her haste to get to the door.
"Rae! Rae! Wait!" shouted Gray from the landing as he ran after her.
"Well, my lands! What's going on?" demanded her mother, baby in one arm, free hand on her hip.
"I've got to..just got to go." she said breathlessly running out of the house, letting the door slam behind her. The faster she got away, the faster she could get rid of the shame. Now everyone at home would know, Grayson would tell them all. Heaven knew he wasn't her biggest supporter. Just one more thing to hold over her head for him and her parents. Sighing, she started her car and took off toward the quickest exit out of town. This was it. Driving once more past the cemetary she bid goodbye to her son and sister and hit the road, before it was too late.
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