1,2,3 Strikes You're Out!

Chapter 5
Keely cuddled up next to Blaze, tugging the afghan she'd swiped for them closer to herself. Her eyes drifted shut with the peace and security she felt surrounded by her loved ones and enclosed in Blaze's arms. She wasn't even sure what the movie was currently as she slowly lifted one lid to peer at the screen. It had just turned black and credits were scrolling up signifying the end of the movie.
"Alright all of you lazy bums, out." commanded Jazzelle, retrieving the remote and turning off the television.
Keely winced as she turned on the light, "No, no turn it back off." she whimpered.
"Uh-uh, I have to be up tomorrow morning, you all get to sleep-at your own home, I might add!"
"Right away,ma'am." quipped Altan, standing to his feet and hoisting Lidia up beside him.
Alex didn't waste time setting an already sleeping Charity on her feet, he pulled her closer to him and stood. "See you all on Saturday." he hissed as he walked out the door Jazzi opened for him.
Blaze eased her away from him, "Come on, I'll take you home." he growled low in her ear.
She giggled as his breath tickled her ear, and his voice sent every nerve on edge. "Alright. Bye, guys." she waved and sluggishly followed Blaze toward the door.
"I saw all of that, keep it up girl. This time is the real deal." hissed Jazzi in her ear on the way out.
Nodding at her friend, she followed as Blaze tugged her along beside him.
"That was fun." he said as he helped her into the truck.
Again she nodded, "It really was, I enjoyed it. Thanks for coming, Blaze."
"Anytime, Keely, and I mean that." was his reply. All over again she felt herself falling for him, this time she was in for it. Most definitely.
Blaze pulled into a parking spot in front of Keely's house and turned to watch her sleep. She'd fallen asleep on the way back to her house and she looked so peaceful he didn't want to wake her. Her long hair had fallen across her face, covering delicate features he longed to touch. Sighing with desperation, he reached out and swept the hair from her face, taking in each soft curve of her face and the swoop of her lashes. "You're beautiful." he whispered in the silence of the truck.
The moon cast a silvery shadow into the truck allowing just enough light to see her soft, kissable lips puckered in sleep. He kept his restraint and shook her softly, "Keely?"
A soft moan was her sleepy reply, before she turned toward him.
"Keely, you're home." he whispered, trying again.
"Can't I just stay here with you?" she asked, eyes fluttering open.
"No, honey, I doubt your back would appreciate that in the morning. Come on, I'll bring you inside." jumping from the truck, he walked around the front of it and opened her door. Reaching across the seat, he unbuckled the seat belt and took her hand. "It's not so far, hon, really."
She smiled half-heartedly, "Thanks for walking me in." Beginning to fumble with her keys, she turned toward the door.
"Hum?" she turned, her left hand still in his as her sudden movement jingled the keys in the other hand.
Taking advantage of the fact that his fingers were still intertwined with hers, he tugged her back into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Blaze." flustered and sleepy, Keely made her way inside closing the door in his face.
All of a sudden, the warm air was chilled, he didn't like being without her. Man did he have it bad.
Bethanie giggled in glee as she slipped her cowboy hat on her head with a thump. She was going to a good old-fashioned rodeo, looking incredible-if she did say so herself. Checking one last time in the mirror, she nodded. This day was going to be good, she could feel it. Walking out her apartment door, she smiled at the outside noises. She was a country girl living in the city, but she was enjoying being with her friends.
The crisp air she breathed in only served to make her step lighter, as she climbed into her big chevy truck. Soon she was ready to see some good looking cowboys, and kick back with her cowboy friends. Nothing was better than some country music, men in tight jeans, and cowboy hats to boot.
"Hey girl!" called one of her friends, Sarah, who wore a hat with rhinestones around the brim.
"Howdy!" she replied, taking her seat between Sarah and Dana. "How're things?"
"Goin' well, how's things with you?" asked Dana.
Just as she was about to reply, a cowboy entering the rodeo ring caught her eye. He was taller than she'd ever seen a person before, what must've been six foot six inches. Long legs encased in denim, drew her attention from his boots all the way up to his muscular upper body.
"Wooooo-eeee" she called out, taking her hat off to fan herself with.
"What? What?" her jittery friends called taking her by the arms, and jumping up and down excitedly. They knew the signs of new coming hotties.
"New guy at twelve o'clock." she hissed, pointing toward the man who climbed onto the horse with little effort and rode like a pro.
"That's no new guy, that's T.C. James. He's been around for years, you've never heard of him?"Sarah jolted her with an elbow. "Oooh I'll have to introduce you later, girl!"
"Oh you sure will!" came her reply.
Jazzelle laughed behind the truck as she lowered her binoculars and flashed Sarah and Dana a thumbs up. Things were working just great.
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