"Daddy's Girl"

Chapter 6, Part 1
Grayson stood in the doorway watching the now empty road, as his mother-in-law and father-in-law stood behind him silent. Eva began to fuss, as if sensing something was wrong, and immediately the spell it seemed Raeanne held over him, was broken. "What's wrong, darlin'?" he asked, reaching his hands out to take her from Janice.
She handed over the infant, but her eyebrows were still at her hairline, and mouth wide open. "What was that? What happened? What's going on?" she asked, all of her questions jumbling together to make one word.
"I'd love to tell you, Janice, but I'm quite unsure myself." he said, discretely he tucked the tiny key into his pocket and cuddled the baby closer before pushing through his in-laws to get to the diaper bag. With one hand, he lifted the bottle from the pouch and made his way toward the kitchen to warm it.
"What do you mean you're unsure? One minute you're just having a friendly discussion with our daughter, the next she's running out. Most likely gone back home, what is going on Grayson?" demanded his father-in-law, his large fist pounding the kitchen counter.
"I was simply asking her if I could help with anything..." his voice trailed off, and he wondered about what Rae would do if her parents knew. Would they be as understanding as Elizabeth made them out to be or was Raeanne right? He didn't want to the be the one she took it out on, so he kept his mouth shut.
"Oh..I see." Janice's eyes looked weary and she leaned against her husband.
"Right, well it's been lovely, but I really should be getting home." he said, pushing past them again he grabbed up the diaper bag and headed toward the door. He had to reach Rae before she got on the road.
"Tell her we're here for her, Grayson." called his mother-in-law from the screen door.
He nodded, as he buckled the baby into her carseat and rounded the car to jump into the drivers seat. They knew him well, he'd grant them that. But, could he disclose everything to them? What would they think of Rae and Elizabeth? Would Rae ever forgive Elizabeth for keeping such records? Only one way to find out.
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