"Daddy's Girl"

Chapter 6, Part 2
The biting cold winds whipped around Raeanne, but still she couldn't seem to pull herself away from the tiny headstone. She laid the tiny rose on the ground before it, and slid her hand down the marble front. "How I wish I could touch you again, Evan." she sighed, wiping stray tears from her cheeks.
"I'm sure your baby would wish the same thing, Rae, if he weren't with the Father." the deep voice made her whip around. How had he known she'd be here? Was she that apparent in her thoughts?
"I don't know what you want from me, Grayson. I had a baby, out of wedlock, I know I'm a terrible sinner. I know you most likely hate me for needing Lizzy's money. I'm so sorry, there's nothing I can do to make up for it." tears were overflowing now as she stared into the empty space around her unable to look up at her sister's husband.
A hand touched her shoulder, "It's all right, Rae, really." his voice was soft now as he knelt beside her. With his free hand he swept the tears from her face, and those grey eyes of his were centered on her.
Why did it suddenly feel like there was no air? She swallowed hard trying to dislodge the lump that now resided in her throat. "I...I've been carrying it for too long with Lizzy, and now that she's gone. I'm really by myself. I never knew a loneliness like this, Grayson, never."
In a matter of seconds things went from bad to worse as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, "You're not alone anymore, Rae. I'm here."
The warmth his body radiated was nothing compared to the warmth now in her heart. Was this right? More tears flowed down her cheeks wetting his jacket. She had no idea how long she sat there in his arms, until finally he pulled away, taking hold of her shoulders.
"You're coming home with us, I'm not going to leave you alone, Raeanne. You've got to trust me." his grey eyes sincere with a hint of a tear in the corner of his left one.
"All right." she sniffled, digging a tissue out of her purse. She looked around, "Where is Eva?"
He smiled as he walked toward the car, "With Mrs. Jensen."
"Mrs. Jensen? Jensen's hardware store, that Mrs. Jensen?" she pointed toward the little hardware store.
He nodded, "Yup, sorry she was the best I could do in a pinch."
For the first time that day, she found herself laughing and walking with him, her heart soared toward the heavens. Everything was going to be just fine.
Please continue this story! Poor Rae...
I am continuing! :) I love Raeanne's character. Mostly because I can really identify with her personality. I'm not by any means the "golden girl" or most popular. ha I'm more the misunderstood one. But, Rae's story really grasped me and took hold of my muse. So, she gets her own. :)
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