Requested Story

Unnamed as of yet..
Chapter 1, Part 1
The town of Braxton, Texas, wasn't much of a town to be honest. Gianna Oakley surveyed the tiny town that looked like something out of a movie, it's main street was filled with people milling in and out of tiny shops. Each tiny shop looked positively ancient in decor, and around the shops nothing but space stretched. She took a deep breath of the fresh air that filtered in her car window, and felt the bands of fear loosen. No one knew her here, and they wouldn't find out anything about her past either. A smile stretched her lips as she pulled the car into the parking spot before a tall apartment building.
The brick building boasted large windows glinting like diamonds in the sun, and dust so thick she was pretty sure there were small animals caught in it. Frowning she realized small town or big city, some things never did change. When she'd found the ad for apartments for rent in this small town community online it had seemed like her dream come true. After practically being run out of her neighborhood in New York, she'd vowed not to go back. She was through with those people she'd once called friends and their knowing glares. The way the women stumbled over their children trying to get them away from her. Or the way the elderly people she'd once been near kin to glanced away instead of saying hello. She shuddered just thinking about it, and closed her eyes promising herself not to think so much. Right now, she was beginning a new life, a clean slate as the chaplain at New York State Prison had once said.
The door to the apartment building opened wide, revealing a tiny woman with big blue eyes and a wide smile. "Well hello there, doll, what can I do for ya?" her southern twang and dainty looks endeared her to Gianna.
"I'm Gianna Oakley, I'm here to look at an apartment." she took a deep breath hoping beyond hope that saying her name wouldn't make her lose any points with the woman.
"I've been waiting for you, Miz Oakley, I'm Lorraine Hartford. Your new landlord, if you'll have me." the kind eyes of Miss Hartford showed no restraint, pity or fear only happiness.
"Thank you." she smiled at the kindly woman and followed her inside.
The inside of the apartment building was far understated by the outside, tall ceilings, ornate moldings and beautiful woods filled the lobby. The scent of cinnamon wafted her nostrils, and the spiral staircase reminded her of the many fairytale books her mother had read to her as a child. "Here is your apartment, Miz Oakley." Lorraine opened the door with a key, and walked before her into the space.
The inside of her apartment was barren, yet reflected the lobby in the way of molding, woods, and ceiling structure. She released her pent up breath, "It's beautiful!"
Lorraine's face radiated with a smile again, "I was hoping you'd like it."
"It's lovely, just lovely, I'll take it." For the price she'd be paying for rent here she would have only had one foot of her old apartment. This apartment was far superior anyway.
"Great, I'll just bring in the papers." Lorraine was gone with a flurry of activity and the gentle tip-tap of her feminine cowboy boots on the wood floors.
"What did I do to deserve this, God?" she asked aloud, pacing to the window which over looked the main street.
"We don't deserve anything, Miz Oakley, but He sure supplies, don't he?" Lorraine was back, her red curls springing with her spry step.
"Yes, he sure does."
hey jolene you write really good and im so glad u moved to west side !! cya around and keep writing ! ure freind matt
Hey Matt, whatcha doin here?! haha. j/p Glad you made it over to my little corner of cyberspace. hah. I'm glad we moved to West Side too hah. Hope we get to hang out sometime. Seriously, good to get some extra fellowship in.
And a big hi to Michelle who was a huge meany head and made me write 15 things about myself!! hehe j/p I love ya, Michelle! :) 15 things wasnt hard at all. Rather harmless really. ::nods:
Thanks for reading guys, see ya around.
Lotsa Love, the very behind, Jo
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