"Daddy's Girl"

Chapter 7, Part 1
Grayson set Eva into his mother-in-law's capable arms and smiled, "Thanks for watching her, Janice."
"Anytime, Grayson, and I mean that!" she grinned at him.
He turned around, closing the door behind him watching Eva's grandparents dote on her. Shaking his head, he treaded through the snow covered sidewalk, "Ready?" he asked Rae, sliding into the driver's seat.
She nodded slowly, her face set in a mask of determination.
"You sure, you want to do this, Rae?"
Again a nod, "On to Harborville Storage." The words were grated out as if Harborville was the last place she ever wanted to go.
"Why don't we stop for something to eat first?" he asked, settling his hand over her pale frail one.
She shrugged, "If it's all the same I'd rather get this over with." she fumbled the key in her free hand.
Nodding, he steered the car toward Harborville. Did they really have to do this? His heart screamed out not to put her through something that could open up the wounds again. Yet, his head longed to know more about her, and her past. After all, the past formed your future right?
The Harborville exit came into view, and he turned the car expertly onto the exit monitoring the silent status of Raeanne. Her eyes were wide as she looked around the town. He could harly contain his mind's race as he thought of all the things that could be in a storage locker.
The storage shed's came into view finally, along with the sign denoting the place. His heart beat faster with anticipation, and he could mostly guarantee that hers was most likely doing exactly the same.
Rae's hand clamped the door handle, and her teeth were clenched tight. She extended the key to him, "I don't know if I can do this, Gray. I thought I could." Tears pooled in her now large green eyes, as she released the key to his care.
"You can do it, Rae, I'll be right here with you." he cradled her hand inside his, looking down at their joined hands as a feeling of peace washed over him. Was this right? His heart said it was, but his mind screamed at and berated him. What was he doing?
The look of resolution that now sat in her green eyes as they dried set his mind as ease. It was okay, this was all okay.
"All right, let's do this." she whispered.
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