Friday, April 07, 2006

"1,2,3 Strikes You're Out!"

Chapter 7

Her eyes fluttered open, and Keely looked around noting that she was in her living room. Must've fallen asleep on the couch last night. Rubbing her eyes, she winced at the pain from crying so much the night before. Well, not again. Sitting up, she frowned at Blaze who was asleep where she'd just gotten up. When had he come over? Finally, she remembered the knock at the door at four in the morning, of looking out the window and seeing him standing there, arms open. Sighing, she tugged him into a sleeping position and covered him with the blanket he must've covered her with. "What a sweetheart." she whispered in the silence of her home as she pressed a kiss to his forehead. He had come in the early morning, on nothing but pure instinct.

Standing, she walked to the kitchen and began to make coffee and breakfast. Everything was just finishing when she heard footsteps in the hallway. Turning toward the door to smile at him and wish him a good morning, her breath caught in her throat. Hair tousseled, eyes sleepy he stood in the doorway.

"Good Morning." he smiled as if he knew what he did to her.

"Morning." her word came out as a whoosh of breath, her eyes were wide as she took in each of his movements. Commanding her brain to work correctly, she set a plate down on the table for him.

"Thanks Keely." sitting, he retrieved the fork she'd already set out and began to eat.

Her heart jumped back into beat as she stared at his bent head. Something was seriously wrong with her, maybe she needed a doctor. Taking the seat across from Blaze, she set her own plate in front of her. "Did you sleep okay?" she asked finally, not daring to look up at him.

"I slept great, thanks. How about you?"

She could feel the heat of his gaze on her, yet she kept her eyes downcast, "Never better."

"Great...Keely?" his voice was different than usual, he had a question.

Her heart began to dance again, "Yes?" She looked up at him, big mistake. Face now flushed she sat before him feeling all of six with a school girl crush.

"You're so beautiful, did you know that?" he reached across the table and took her hand in his.

The blush deepened causing her to turn red as the table cloth beneath their plates, "Thank you.."

"I mean it." his voice was a whisper, so intimate it snaked across her spine causing gooseflesh to rise on her arms.

The phone rang from its place on the wall, and she jumped, "Sorry, I should get that." With an apologetic sigh, she got up from her chair and retrieved the phone. "Hello."

"Hey, where are you? You're supposed to help me set up today." hissed Jazzelle's voice.

"Oh my, what time is it?" she questioned.

Blaze offered his watch to her showing the time was well past breakfast time, the time she was supposed to be at the hall helping to prepare for Charity's engagement party.

"Two o'clock!" insisted an irritated sounding Jazzelle.

"I'm so sorry, Jazzi, I'll be there right away." hanging up the phone she looked over at Blaze who was already clearing their plates from the table.

"You've got to go?" his eyes showed his sadness, while his voice was even and held no emotion.

"Yes, I'm so sorry. I forgot all about volunteering to help Jazzi with Charity's engagement party." she hugged him quickly, before taking off toward her bedroom to get ready to go.

A knock on her bedroom door startled her, "I'm going to get going, Keely. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay." she called back falling back, breathless on her bed. She didn't know whether to hate Jazzi for calling or thank her immensely. What was she going to do?


"He spent the night?!" Jazzi nearly came up off the seat, her smile was faltering as she stared down her friend. What was going on with the two of them?

"Not really, well he did, but nothing happened. You know better, Jazzi." Keely's smile was still ever-present as she hung a string of flowers on the wall.

"Well of course I know," she hesitated, "What did happen?"

"I cried, he held me, we fell asleep on the couch. End of story."

"Ohhh, so you two are getting close like that, huh?" every notion in her busy mind was jumping for joy. Maybe this time Keely and Blaze would get together, for good.

"I see the gears in your head working, girl, don't get started. This is not about your matchmaking game. This is about two REAL people, living REAL life."

Jazzi grinned, turning away from her friend to hang the balloons that matched the color scheme of purple and white. "It isn't about my REAL matchmaking game?"

"No..speaking of your matchmaking game, who's next?" asked Keely, apparently desperate to change the subject. Her blue eyes had long since grown dreamy with thoughts of Blaze.

"After you and Blaze, Bethanie. I've already started, you should see this guy, K. He's adorable, tall, dark, handsome, a doubt she'll be in love three weeks. Flat."

"Thanks for mentioning us in your matchmaking game again, but what about Jazzi. Has she found anyone for herself yet?"

Her entire being went stiff at the question, why was everyone asking that so much? Automatically, her mind went back to Rachel's unnamed friend. Instead of mentioning that little incident, she shook her head, "No, Jazzi is happy as is. Matchmaking her friends and living her life. Leave the love games to you all."

"Hello Ladies!" Andre's voice echoed in the hall.

"What about him?" hissed Keely, leaning in close.

"Oh don't you worry about him, I've got him covered." she said aloud with a smile.

"Got me covered for what?" a frown creased Andre's face.

"Don't you worry about that, dear." she smiled and patted his cheek.


Blaze stood in front of the jewelry counter, staring in through the glass. It was perfect, absolutely perfect for her. Nodding his head to the jeweler he began the transaction, things were looking up for him. Ducking out of the small shop, he jumped into his truck and sped toward home. Sooner or later he had to get ready for Charity and Alex's engagement party. Jazzi had sent out an invitation a while ago, with a special note to him. Something about a surprise for Keely, and he'd have to be there a bit early. The casual looking dress clothes he'd selected, Jazzi had approved. However, he had no idea what she had told Keely. For all he knew this was a practical joke, but if he got a chance to see Keely, it was all worth it.

Jumping back into the car, he went toward the hall with specific instructions to park in the parking lot behind the hall. Down further in the yard of the hall was a gazebo made of white wood. He smiled at Jazzi's thoughtfulness as pink roses crawled up the lattice on each side. Keely sat in the midst of them in a blue dress that matched her eyes.

She smiled when she saw him, "I suppose Miss Matchmaker has set us up, again." As she stood to her feet, yards of fabric fell to her feet, causing him to look from her beautiful face all the way to the tips of her shoes. She made one incredible picture.

"I could care less if she locked us in a closet, as long as I'm with you." he stepped into the cover of the gazebo and kissed her cheek lightly.

Keely giggled, awarding him with a larger smile, "You're so sweet."

"I know." winking, he wrapped an arm around her waist.

As if by some magnifiscent magic trick, music began to play softly around them. Together they swayed to the music, he smiled as she lay her head on his shoulder. This was no practical joke, this was perfect for them. Sighing when the music stopped, he kissed her lips softly. "That was great."

"Thank Jazzelle." whispered Keely with a smile.

"I think I will," checking his watch he smiled back, "you ready to hit the party?"

She nodded, linking her hand with his.

"All right, let's get in there." dragging himself away from the peace and serenity of being with her, he walked into the already busy hall. Jazzi waved to them from across the room and he smiled at Keely. That woman knew exactly what she was doing.


Blogger Lydia said...


Currently waiting for more. I have checked a zillion times hoping it jus slipped ur mind (twllin me there was more)

Your story rocks. the series rocks. but i have to say for some reason i favor Lidia's story... hehe.

Love ya!


3:42 PM  

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