I've been tagged.

Ladies and Gentlemen of Blogland, I've been tagged. I was just meandering through Blogland, over on Quirkychild's blog, and found out.."ooh gollee gee, she tagged me!" So now, I must do this cute little survey for you all. Suffer through, okay? :)
My Only Real Jobs:
Babysitting: Babysitting is the job of champions. All geniuses and world leaders have already caught onto this. If you've never babysat, you'd better get on board. You'll never get another job without the experience. Believe me! And to top it all, it's good birth control!!
Driving my mother crazy: I never thought this to be a "real" job, but she insists it is. This I've realized really is a job I do well. Besides, as I've gotten up well into my late teen years, this is my favorite job. A simple wise-crack can get me a crack back..it's fun. haha. J/K I love & respect my mom. I still do drive her crazy though!!
Student: Being a student is a job. Reguardless of what you've been told!!
Movies I could watch over and over:
"Sergeant Bilko"- It's a HILARIOUS military comedy. If you haven't see it, I totally suggest you go grab it. It does have a lot of cursing, which isn't good, but really cannot be avoided in the world we live in. Steve Martin is hilarious in it, and it's just a great movie.
"Save the Last Dance" Beside being filled with incredibly hott guys. Yes, I said HOTT guys, it's got tight dance moves and even tighter acting. Again, a lot of cursing, but the plot is cute.
"Finding Nemo" Quirky mentioned this in her survey too. I LOVED LOVED LOVEDDD this movie. It's so cute. I love Dory, and her incredible ability to forget everything, aside from what is important. Gotta love the cute little lyrics that get stuck in your head. It's a "Great children's movie!" as the four-year-old I babysit would say. Of course, everytime they watch it, I hear maniacal laughter at the part where the shark eats the mother and baby fish!!
Places I've lived
Easy answer here, PA. That's the only place I've ever lived. Although I've lived in several different cities. All around the same place though...Yea, this answer is boring. Which is why I'm moving on...
TV shows I watch
Ah..I don't watch much television..when I do it's children's television shows/movies with the kids in the morning or night time re-runs..
Top Five:
Dora the Explorer- Mucho fun!! I love Dora. So do the girls I babysit, and I can sing every song & get Swiper to leave with the best of them.
Roseanne- I love this show. haha The way they make family life real, is incredible. No fronts, just them. Great show, hilariously funny.
ER- Now..I don't usually watch the new ones, I watch the re-runs. I love the old crew, and some on the new crew. But the new ones are too much like soap operas. I like medicine!!
Anything to do with the YANKEES!! Yankee games, Yankee classic Games, Yankees Road Trip..you get the idea. I just love the yankees.
My Own- My new favorite show on MTV. Gotta love when people think that real people are like celebrities!! haha ::shakes head: Oh well, it's fun to watch them make fools of themselves. :)
Places my family vacations
Knoebels- Knoebels, a place for family fun!! It's here in PA, about an hour and a half from where I live. Great little amusement park, extreme fun and extremely decent prices!!
Williamsburg- Went last year..we camped out at a convenient campground, that we'll most likely never again camp at! Our camp site was feet from the train track. Trains went by every two/three hours at night. haha. But Colonial Williamsburg is great!!
Gettysburg- When I get imput on family vacations I ask for someplace historical. So Gettysburg is awesome too!!
YANKEE GAMES- We love the Bronx, NY! haha Went twice last summer & will be going more this year. Gotta love the thrill of being in the Bronx!!
Websites I frequent
Steeple Hill/E-Harlequin (www.eharlequin.com)
Myspace (www.myspace.com/jolene4)
Blogger (obviously)
My website (www.freewebs.com/missjomarie18)
Yahoo groups..(www.yahoo.com)
Foods I like
Lasagna is the top fav. I love it soooo much. I hardly ever get it..but, when I do..YUMMMMM
Mexican food...YUM I love mexican food.
CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! What girl doesn't love chocolate? Well..I really don't care if you don't. I love it. haha.
Strawberries. Definitely my favorite fruit ever. And mixed with chocolate. Man, even better..Yep..this concludes pick Jolene's already tired brain. I'm sure you're all excited.